Do Nightshades Cause Inflammation?

Do Nightshades Cause Inflammation?

What are nightshades? This family of plants include a number of herbs, fruits and vegetables we often eat, but also some deadly members, like Belladonna, also known as the devil’s cherries. Are they good for us or unhealthy? There’s a belief that many cause inflammation. In fact, tomatoes were once considered poisonous. People did get […]

The Importance Of Mental Fitness

The Importance Of Mental Fitness

People who live in New York often say a lot of their problem comes from living in the big city. People who live in Louisiana, might blame the floods or other issues for their poor attitude. No matter where you live there are pros and cons. Your happiness all starts with you and your mental […]

Is Honey Vegan?

Is Honey Vegan?

If you’re vegan, you avoid animal products, such as milk, eggs, meat and any products made from animals. Some vegans differentiate animal and insect products, allowing the second group, which includes honey. Others consume honey in their diet. So, what are the reasons for avoiding this sweet treat? Honey is viewed as non-vegan by some […]

Why Vitamin D Is So Important

Why Vitamin D Is So Important

If you’re taking advantage of every method to improve your health, don’t forget to make sure you have adequate vitamin D. Covid brought the need for vitamin D to improve your immune system, when studies found that the people most affected by covid 19, also had a vitamin D deficit. Unlike other vitamins, your body […]

What Is The Primal Diet?

What Is The Primal Diet?

If you’re eating a caveman diet, you may be eating a primal diet. But you also could be following a Paleo diet. Both are similar and linked to the way people ate before farming was developed and long before the world was industrialized. What’s the difference between the two? The differences are small. A Paleo […]

Ways To Eliminate Fatigue And Bloating

Ways To Eliminate Fatigue And Bloating

You might not connect the two but bloating and fatigue are often symptoms of the same problem. Most people have experienced one or both at some time in their life, and in some cases, the reason is simple. Fatigue can come from working too hard or not getting enough sleep. Excess gas and bloating can […]

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Anyone who has ever visited Louisiana, knows they’re famous for their desserts, like pecan pralines, king cake or bananas Foster. That makes it difficult if you’re trying to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle. The good news is that you don’t have to give up sweets entirely to live healthier. In fact, dark chocolate […]

Main Problems With Processed Food

Main Problems With Processed Food

No matter where you live, processed food is popular. I see it all the time in Louisiana. It doesn’t matter whether you’re stopping at a drive-through or shopping at the store, processed foods are part of our everyday life. There are problems with processed food that directly affect your health. While not all processed foods […]

Can Exercise Stabilize Mood Swings?

Can Exercise Stabilize Mood Swings?

There are a lot of different causes of mood swings. Even though the first idea that may have come to your mind is a mental condition called bipolar disorder, chronic physical conditions and injuries can cause them, too. Dementia, concussions, stroke, Parkinson’s and other neurological problems can cause them. So can diabetes, MS, sleep disorders […]