No-Equipment Workouts

No-Equipment Workouts

For centuries, people used no-equipment workouts. Sometimes, it was a function of their daily tasks. Carrying firewood, pushing a hand plow, and doing other chores was exercise enough. There were also local weightlifting contests, so farmers prepared for those. The exercises used were similar to the exercises used during military training. They were calisthenics and […]

Fat-Burning Detox Soups

Fat-Burning Detox Soups

You’ll find many fat-burning detox soups if you google detox or weight loss soup. These options are popular for weight loss because they work. Before you get too excited, they only work in the short run and aren’t sustainable for long. Even though these detox soups may not be the solution for long-term weight loss, […]

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Many people in Louisiana ask for help eliminating cellulite. Cellulite is that bumpy skin often found on thighs and other parts of the body that causes the skin to dimple regardless of weight. You won’t get rid of cellulite simply by losing weight. It takes more than that. There are medical techniques to remove cellulite, […]

The Importance Of Warm-Ups And Cool-Downs

The Importance Of Warm-Ups And Cool-Downs

No matter how fit you are, you should always warm up before you workout and cool down at the end. Warm-up and cool-down sessions should last about five minutes, so it doesn’t extend your workout by much. They both play a vital role in protecting your body from injury and boosting recovery. When you warm […]

Health Benefits Of A Mediterranean Diet

Health Benefits Of A Mediterranean Diet

Before transporting food across nations was possible, each country or region had its style of eating based on the local food supply. The Mediterranean diet is one of those diets. The diet comes from the local cuisine of the French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish Mediterranean areas. It limits red meat and includes meals containing fish, […]

Best Pre-Workout Energy Foods

Best Pre-Workout Energy Foods

You might think eating something before working out is counterproductive if you want to lose weight, but it’s not. The food you eat can give you more energy and improve your workout. Many people in Louisiana realize they hit the wall mid-workout if they don’t fuel up and know the benefits a meal or snack […]

Best Arm Toning Exercises

Best Arm Toning Exercises

Summer is just around the corner. That means you’ll wear short-sleeved or sleeveless tops that expose your arm. The problems can range from batwings to skinny arms that look like twigs. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, looking fitter is sexy. There’s still time to firm your arms with toning exercises. They won’t build […]

Pros And Cons Of A Keto Diet

Pros And Cons Of A Keto Diet

For centuries, doctors noted the beneficial effects of fasting to control epileptic seizures but realized fasting isn’t sustainable. In the 1920s, they found using an extremely low-carbohydrate diet accomplished the same thing. Cutting back on carbohydrates forced the body to switch metabolism from burning sugar to burning fat. The body converts fat to ketones and […]

Get More Out Of Each Workout Session

Get More Out Of Each Workout Session

Working out can take a lot of effort. Getting the maximum benefits from that time is important to people from Louisiana and everywhere in the US. You can get more from your workout session using these tips and tricks that burn extra calories or help you get fit faster. If you’re spending the time, you […]

Common Fat Loss Mistakes

Common Fat Loss Mistakes

Losing weight isn’t easy and losing fat is even harder. There is a difference. If you’re shedding pounds, those pounds aren’t always from fat. It can be from muscle tissue, making it even harder to lose additional pounds. You may be working your hardest and staying true to your path but still see slow or […]