How To Stay Fit As You Get Older

How To Stay Fit As You Get Older

If you envision getting older means getting feeble and weak, so as you age, you do less and less, and you’re completing a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of being active, which would help you stay fit, you succumbed to inactivity, fearing that exerting yourself could cause injury. Rejoice that you’re getting older because it means you’re […]

What Does Clean Eating Really Mean?

What Does Clean Eating Really Mean?

Someone may have recommended you start a clean eating program to lose weight or become more fit. If you don’t know what clean eating is, you won’t know where to begin. Not all the food at the grocery is a healthy choice. Some food is nothing more than white flour and sugar with a few […]

Why Breakfast Is Important

Why Breakfast Is Important

People often tell you how important breakfast is. You hear it on TV and probably heard it from your parents or a teacher growing up. Is that true, or is it an outdated belief? In earlier days, when people had to work hard in the fields, factories, and homes, breakfast gave them the energy to […]

Get Into Sports As An Adult

Get Into Sports As An Adult

You can make exercise fun by doing it with others. That doesn’t necessarily mean joining a Jazzercise or other group exercise class. It could mean joining an adult sports league or meeting with people for a less formal, but consistent, sports competition. Playing, whether you’re playing softball or paintball, keeps you active. It also provides […]

Foods To Eat That Build Muscle

Foods To Eat That Build Muscle

If you’re from Louisiana, you know that many foods everyone loves aren’t always healthy and won’t build muscle. There are healthy foods that do build bulk that are delicious and ones you’d want to eat even if you weren’t getting stronger or bulking up. The most effective muscle-building diets are well-rounded and are higher in […]

Motivate Yourself To Get Fit

Motivate Yourself To Get Fit

You know you should exercise more. Your dryer keeps shrinking your pants, and getting out of your chair is harder. Starting may be your problem. How do you motivate yourself to get fit? Lack of motivation is one of the biggest reasons people don’t exercise or lose weight. They often put it off until the […]

The Millennials Workout

The Millennials Workout

One of the biggest groups in the workforce today is millennials. They’re the group of people born between 1981 and 1996. They’ve witnessed many changes in the workplace and how they workout. Exercising and fitness is a top priority. A recent study showed it was almost as important as family is for millennials. Since many […]

Can Relaxation Actually Energize Me?

Can Relaxation Actually Energize Me?

Most people don’t understand the benefits of true relaxation or just what relaxation is. It’s the opposite of the fight-or-flight response both mentally and physically. If you’ve had a long day and lean back in your chair to relax, but your mind is going a hundred miles an hour trying to solve a work problem, […]

Improve Your Health Before You Get Sick

Improve Your Health Before You Get Sick

Rather than finding ways to treat an illness, you should do the things that improve your health in the first place. It’s much easier to spend an hour a day focusing on health than spending hours in the doctor’s office or the hospital. It’s also far less expensive. Your body heals itself, but only if […]

Beginners Guide To Carb Counting

Beginners Guide To Carb Counting

It’s difficult to shed those extra pounds, especially with so many theories and diets you find available. In Louisiana, people are turning to carb counting. Any type of diet can be unhealthy if taken to extremes. The same is true for carb counting. Reducing carbs can be done healthily by focusing on low-carbohydrate foods like […]