How To Help Depression With Exercise

How To Help Depression With Exercise

There are many causes of depression. Some are severe and require clinical intervention. Others are mild, such as waking up to an overcast day. Depression caused by losing a job or a broken relationship may be more serious, but just like mild depression, exercise helps. No matter what the cause, exercise can help reduce depression. […]

Should You Consider A Dance Class?

Should You Consider A Dance Class?

If you get bored doing all those squats and lunges, it’s time to have fun while you exercise. The more you enjoy an activity, the more you’ll tend to do it. That’s why many people in Louisiana choose a dance class as one of their fitness activities. Ballerinas and jazz dancers do grueling workouts that […]

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

It doesn’t matter whether you work in an office, in a factory, or at a building site, it’s difficult to keep healthy snacks that keep you full until your next meal. You can avoid the mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump by avoiding the vending machine and taking your own. It should contain protein, fat, or fiber. […]

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

If you’ve ever gone heavy on the salt shaker at dinner, only to wake up looking like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man, you know that salt can cause water-weight gain, edema, and bloating. It does interfere with weight loss, but it’s only a temporary setback until the sodium flushes out of your body. Salt plays a […]

The Best Vs. Worst Types Of Protein You Can Eat

The Best Vs. Worst Types Of Protein You Can Eat

All food is one of the macronutrients, fat, protein, and carbohydrates. There are good options in all three categories and bad ones. To eat healthier, choose the best types of each macronutrient and avoid the worst sources. For carbs, fruits and vegetables are good sources, while candy bars and donuts are bad ones. Trans fats […]

Amazing Foods To Fight Depression

Amazing Foods To Fight Depression

If you live in Louisiana, you probably know someone battling depression. There are many ways to fight depression, from exercising regularly to changing the foods you eat. Of course, we’re not talking about severe depression. You can still change your diet and add exercise but always seek professional help. Depression can occur for many reasons. […]

Can Vegetarians Lose Weight More Easily?

Can Vegetarians Lose Weight More Easily?

People who don’t know any vegetarians often picture them as lean and lanky, able to lose weight at the drop of a hat. However, there are some overweight and obese vegetarians. Choosing a vegetarian diet doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be thinner. Losing weight is all about the calories consumed. Vegetarians consume milk, eggs, or both. […]

How To Properly Detox

How To Properly Detox

Between toxic sites and flooding, people in Louisiana may find that a detox makes them feel better. It also helps if you’ve made poor dietary choices and need a dietary reset. Look at the product you use in your own home. Shampoo, cleaning products, and abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, or food add to the problem. […]

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

If you’re considering a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to know the number of grams of carbs you should normally eat and reduce that amount. Low-carbohydrate diets can be successful for several reasons. One of those is that many foods high in calories are also high in carbohydrates. Simple sugars and food with added sugar are […]