How To Properly Detox

How To Properly Detox

Between toxic sites and flooding, people in Louisiana may find that a detox makes them feel better. It also helps if you’ve made poor dietary choices and need a dietary reset. Look at the product you use in your own home. Shampoo, cleaning products, and abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, or food add to the problem. […]

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

If you’re considering a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to know the number of grams of carbs you should normally eat and reduce that amount. Low-carbohydrate diets can be successful for several reasons. One of those is that many foods high in calories are also high in carbohydrates. Simple sugars and food with added sugar are […]

The Importance Of Stress Management In Weight Loss

The Importance Of Stress Management In Weight Loss

Even though it’s beautiful and the people are friendly, just like living anywhere, there are some stressful times for everyone living in Louisiana. If you’re having problems with weight loss, consider stress management. Stress is a killer. It can affect the entire body and cause you to gain weight. That’s right! It’s all about the […]

Workouts That Are Safe In Pregnancy

Workouts That Are Safe In Pregnancy

Staying or improving your fitness can provide big rewards if you’re pregnant. It can make delivery easier and keep your energy and spirits higher. It’s not safe for everyone, but for most people with no complications, the right types of workouts are recommended. What are the right types of workouts? They vary by fitness level […]

Low-Impact Ways To Stay Fit

Low-Impact Ways To Stay Fit

If you want a safer workout that will keep you fit, low-impact exercises are a good option. They’re excellent for people with injuries, joint issues, back problems, or those who are older, out of shape, or pregnant. Low impact means you aren’t jumping or pounding your feet on the ground. They’re exercises where at least […]

How To Go From Unfit To Gym Lover

How To Go From Unfit To Gym Lover

Fitness requires more than one day’s attention or even working at it for a week or two. It requires a consistent effort. That’s one of the reasons people aren’t fit. They lose interest, hate working out, or don’t like to exert all that effort. It’s mostly about their mindset. You can go from unfit to […]

Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Science now finds many folk remedies have real health benefits. Hawthorn berries are in that category. They are healthy options to add to any diet. These tiny fruits grow on trees and shrubs and come in several colors. They grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. The berries are mildly sweet, but mostly tart and […]

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Diabetes is a problem in Louisiana. While government statistics lump both type 1 diabetes and type 2 together, many dietary restrictions and aids help both types. Is veganism one of those solutions? Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t make insulin or makes too little. Insulin opens the cells so the body can use […]