Health & Fitness

Link Between Overhydration And Blood Pressure

Link Between Overhydration And Blood Pressure

You constantly hear about drinking enough water to avoid dehydration, but few people discuss the potential danger of overhydration and the effect it can have on blood pressure. What is overhydration? It can occur in two ways. You either drink too much water than your kidneys can excrete or retain water, so there’s too much in your body. Most healthy people that tend to overhydrate are healthy people like marathon runners who try to ensure they’re adequately hydrated. One of the biggest concerns is the electrolyte balance and low levels of sodium.

Dehydration can cause blood pressure to drop, then spike.

There’s a fine balance between dehydration and overhydration. If you have too little water in your system, it can cause blood pressure to drop, then steeply rise in some cases. One explanation for the rise is that it’s a reaction to low blood pressure and an overcorrection due to low oxygen levels. Other people believe that high blood pressure from dehydration occurs because the blood becomes thicker. That makes it harder to push through the veins.

Drinking too much water can be just as devastating, particularly in unhealthy individuals.

Water intoxication or water poisoning occurs when you drink too much water. It can interfere with brain functioning by causing brain cells to swell. Too much water can cause confusion, drowsiness, and headache, but it also can cause an increase in blood pressure and a slow heart rate. That occurs because of lower sodium levels due to increased water levels. The sodium drop due to dilution causes the cells to hoard water, which then causes cellular swelling that can lead to a coma, seizures, or death.

Medical conditions and medication can lead to overhydration.

Even though marathon runners and athletes tend to have more problems with overhydration in healthy people, it can occur in unhealthy people, too. They are more at risk of severe consequences than athletes. People who take antidepressants, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, or use opioids, those with heart failure, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, and high blood pressure can be more at risk for overhydration. Increased thirst, the medication taken, and the failure to remove water from the system are the reasons.

  • The amount of water you should consume daily varies by weight, physical activity, and age. You can get hydrated by drinking water and other fluids, but also by eating fruits and vegetables containing high amounts of fluid.
  • One easy test to see if you have adequate hydration or are overhydrated is to check your urine. If your urine is dark brown or deep amber, you may be dehydrated. If it’s almost clear, you’re overhydrated. The perfect color is straw yellow.
  • Water makes up approximately 60% of the body weight. Seniors have less water weight than younger individuals and get dehydrated quicker. Signs of dehydration in seniors vary, but dementia-like symptoms are one.
  • To avoid overhydrating steer clear of alcohol and sugary drinks that can make you thirstier. Drink when you’re thirsty. Check medications that might create a problem. If you’re participating in strenuous physical activities, drink slowly and sip on water.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Ways To Reset Your Hormones

Ways To Reset Your Hormones

Have you struggled with weight loss or fat accumulating around your belly no matter how many leg lifts you do? You might have a hormone imbalance. Many people in Louisiana find that it’s a problem. Always check with your healthcare professional first to ensure you don’t have a serious condition. In most cases, the doctor will give you the latest pill or suggest ways to reset your hormones naturally.

There are all types of hormones.

Most people immediately think of sex hormones, but the body has 50 different hormones. A hormone is a messenger that triggers reactions to keep the body functioning properly. Sex hormones do determine the amount of body fat and where it deposits the fat, but they’re not the only hormones associated with weight gain. Cortisol, the stress hormone, plays a big role. If you have too much cortisol, it increases the odds of developing belly fat. In turn, belly fat increases the odds of insulin resistance and diabetes. Belly fat is also caused by too much insulin, as is insulin resistance.

Eating healthy can correct some of the problems.

Your diet plays a big role in your overall health and balancing your hormones. Food that causes inflammation, such as sugar, can create an imbalance. Increasing your protein and intake of green vegetables can help some people. The protein keeps you feeling full longer, so you don’t eat as much, while the greens provide nutrients. A green protein shake to replace a daily meal can even help balance hormones in menopausal women.

Increase or add daily exercise.

Exercise can improve several types of hormonal imbalances. It helps burn off stress, so the level of cortisol is reduced. It burns off the glycogen in the muscles and reduces insulin resistance, so it helps balance insulin. When you workout, you increase the hormones that build and maintain muscle mass, such as DHEA, IGF-1, and testosterone. Exercise also increases levels of HGH—human growth hormone. HGH is called the hormonal fountain of youth. It helps build muscle, boosts metabolism, and lean muscle mass. Low levels of HGH cause muscle waste and fat accumulation.

  • A special way of doing exercises, called HIIT—high intensity interval training—is both an efficient fat burner and helps you get results faster. With HIIT, you alternate exercise intensity from high intensity to recovery and back.
  • Get adequate sleep. Hormones control your hunger. Too much ghrelin and you’ll feel ravenous. Too much leptin and you’ll feel full all the time. Lack of sleep can cause the body to make too little leptin and too much ghrelin, making you constantly feel hungry.
  • Eating more fiber and fermented food can help regulate the gut microbiome. They also control several hormones. Soluble fiber acts like prebiotics and feeds the microbes. If you drink three cups of green tea a day, it can help regulate hormones, too.
  • Foods that are inflammatory, like food high in sugar, can cause a hormone imbalance. Avoid food with added sugar and switch to a healthy diet. We can help you with diet plans for all types of problems.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Superfoods You Should Eat More Often

Superfoods You Should Eat More Often

It’s not unusual for people to want a healthier life. I get messages from people all over Louisiana asking for help. Learning about the person’s dietary needs, personal preferences, goals, and lifestyle is important when identifying the healthiest diet. All healthy diets have one thing in common. They include several superfoods loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fat, and phytonutrients. The ones that have the most benefits are often called superfoods. They can provide more benefits per calorie than most food you eat.

This superfood doesn’t get as much praise as it deserves.

Are sweet potatoes on your list of superfoods to include in your diet? Probably not. Sweet potatoes are often underrated. Part of the problem may come from how they’re served. Sweet potatoes are a popular dish in Louisiana, unfortunately, many of the recipes include added sugar or trans-fat, like a sweet potato pie or deep-fried sweet potato fries. Baking sweet potatoes, grilling, and boiling them provides the antioxidants, fiber, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6, A, and C, potassium, and niacin that make them a heart-healthy option that is also beneficial for eye health, boost memory and the immune system, and act as an anti-inflammatory.

Eat berries that are purple, blue, black, or deep red for the anthocyanins.

Probably the best-known superfood is the blueberry. It boosts brain health and is high in antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals that can cause premature aging, cancer, and other diseases. That antioxidant is anthocyanin. It’s a flavonoid in other fruits and vegetables and responsible for their color. Besides anthocyanin and other phytonutrients, they contain fiber, vitamins C and K, and manganese. Blueberries help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, improve brain function, and prevent heart disease. Some findings indicate they may aid in preventing diabetes and urinary tract infections, and improve recovery after exercise.

Popeye knew the value of spinach.

Don’t worry. Eating spinach won’t create flour-sack-style biceps like Popeye has. You will, however, get significant health benefits. Spinach has loads of nutrients, which include calcium, iron, folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, and K. Like blueberries, spinach contains phytonutrients. They include lutein, nitrates, kaempferol, quercetin, and zeaxanthin. Including more dietary spinach can reduce oxidative stress, boost eye health, improve blood pressure, and reduce cancer risk. You can cook spinach or eat it raw in salads and smoothies.

  • Salmon and fatty fish should be in most diets. It’s a good source of protein and healthy fat. The omega-3 fatty acids help prevent heart disease and increasing omega-3 can improve mood disorders like depression.
  • Snack on nuts to boost your nutrition. If you’re eating nuts instead of sugary products, you’ve improved your diet. Nuts provide healthy fats, plant protein, and nutrients that aid all parts of the body, including the brain.
  • Fermented foods, like yogurt, increase bacteria that improve health. Always check labels. Some yogurt contains no live bacteria and contains sugar, which eliminates many of the benefits. Sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchi are other fermented foods.
  • Add spices to your diet. The benefits spices provide depend on the spice. Cinnamon decreases inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and is anti-inflammatory. Ginger regulates blood sugar, improves digestion, and like another superfood, turmeric, ginger is anti-inflammatory.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Best Spices For Weight Loss

Best Spices For Weight Loss

You’ll improve the flavor of your next meal and your potential to lose weight when you add the right spices to your next meal. Many spices can improve weight loss. They may work in different ways, but each has something to offer. When you use spices wisely, you’ll not only improve the flavor of your meal, but you’ll also watch your weight diminish and boost health benefits. Before modern medicine, many spices were part of the physician’s tools to help cure diseases. Some modern medicines are based on the chemicals found in spices.

Boost your metabolism with cayenne pepper.

Spicy-hot peppers contain capsaicin is a known appetite suppressant. It’s also known for increasing metabolism. It increases thermogenesis, the calories burned to change food into calories. Capsaicin also aids in reducing fat accumulation and suppressing appetite. It boosts the body’s ability to burn more calories. Even though the increased calorie burning is short-lived and small, it’s one extra way to help you on your way to weight control.

Cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels.

Controlling blood sugar levels is vital for reducing cravings that can lead to overeating. High insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance, making weight loss even more difficult. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon is responsible for increasing metabolism and reducing inflammation, another cause of weight gain. Adding cinnamon to your daily diet may help improve insulin sensitivity. Be aware there are two types of cinnamon, cassia cinnamon, and Ceylon cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon is what you normally find in the grocery, while Ceylon cinnamon is more difficult to find. Both are high in antioxidants, but cassia cinnamon contains higher amounts of coumarin that can cause liver damage if consumed in high doses.

Turmeric became a popular herb for seniors worrying about Alzheimer’s disease.

Turmeric contains a phytochemical called curcumin. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory. It’s been considered an aid to prevent Alzheimer’s due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Curcumin also may help prevent beta-amyloid plaque in the brain. What does that have to do with weight loss? It’s those very anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent obesity. Reducing inflammation can help increase insulin sensitivity which plays a role in obesity.

  • Make some ginger tea to help battle weight gain. This spicy tea aids in appetite reduction and makes you feel full. The gingerol in ginger is also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Studies show ginger had positive effects on weight loss.
  • You’ll keep vampires away and improve your potential for weight loss when you add garlic to your diet. The allicin in garlic reduces fat cells and suppresses the appetite. It also reduces insulin resistance and inflammation.
  • One recent study found that adding one teaspoon to your meals each day increases the body fat burned up to three times. You can use cumin to spice almost any food.
  • A popular spice most people have is black pepper. It has fat-burning properties and blocks the formation of fat cells. It also increases the benefits of turmeric when combined with it.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching


Natural Ways To Control Hunger

Natural Ways To Control Hunger

Are you tired of spending money on over-the-counter diet aids that control hunger? Some of those pills, liquids, and diet foods exacerbate the problem, or upset your stomach, so eating sounds repulsive. Natural ways to control hunger are readily available in most people’s kitchens. In most cases, these have little or no negative consequences, and some have additional health benefits.

Keep cold water in your refrigerator and you’ll be ready for most hunger pangs.

Sometimes, the body signals get confused, and you think you’re hungry but aren’t. You crave juicy fruits or can’t decide what it is, so you eat everything in sight. Often, you’re simply thirsty, and the mild dehydration tricks you into thinking you’re hungry. Keeping a bottle of water with you constantly can diminish or eliminate cravings. Water also fills you up, so you’ll eat less when you do eat. If you make that water icy-cold, it burns extra calories to warm your body.

Keep healthy snacks ready.

Healthy snacks are low in calories and nutrient dense. They’re a combination of protein and healthy carbs. Apple slices with peanut butter are just one example. The carbs and sugar in the apple provide a quick energy fix, while the protein and fiber in the apple and peanut butter digest slower and keep you feeling full longer. Consuming a protein-carbohydrate snack after working out curbs your appetite and helps boost recovery.

Use good conversation to slow eating.

Conversing during a meal makes you eat slower, so your stomach has time to signal to the brain that it’s full. You can do the same thing by eating mindfully and savoring every bite. You’ll enjoy the flavor and texture while slowing the process of eating. Keeping a food journal that also identifies how you felt right before you ate can aid in slowing emotional eating that can occur if you’re stressed, angry, or sad.

  • Boost the protein, fiber, and healthy fat in your diet. Having an avocado can boost healthy fat and fiber, while eggs, nuts, and lean meats increase protein and healthy fats. You’ll stay full longer.
  • Have oatmeal on hand to fill that hunger void. Top it with nuts and fruit for breakfast or a snack. It can prevent hunger by boosting fiber and protein.
  • If water isn’t enough to stop your hunger, go for infused water. Make infused water by adding fruits, vegetables, or herbs to water and allowing their flavors to enhance the taste, without adding additional calories.
  • Keep crunchy vegetables and fresh fruit cleaned, cut, and snack ready in the refrigerator. Snacking on these throughout the day provides nutrients and keeps your hunger at bay without adding tons of calories.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching


Foods That Help With Bloating

Foods That Help With Bloating

If you swear you could solve the world’s energy problem by capturing just a fraction of the gas you develop after a meal or worry about the button flying off your pants as your belly swells. Bloating can occur for many reasons. It can occur if you eat too fast, choose foods that encourage bloating, increase fiber intake too quickly, or swallow air, either by talking when you eat, drinking through a straw, or smoking. You can relieve some of the problems by choosing foods that help with bloating, walking, and eating slower. Here are foods that help with bloating.

While fiber can cause bloating, introducing it slowly into the diet can relieve it.

Food high in fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can relieve bloating. Soluble fiber absorbs water from the digestive tract and turns it into a gel. The gel makes waste removal more efficient and increases regularity which can help prevent bloating. The same food that causes bloating, beans, lentils, and apples, are also ones that reduce bloating. It’s all about increasing the amount in the diet slowly and allowing the body to adjust.

Probiotic food can help prevent bloating by improving your microbiome.

A healthy microbiome that has more beneficial bacteria can reduce the gassiness caused by food. A healthier population of microbes can significantly reduce gassiness by making digestion more efficient. There is one side effect and it’s similar to the side effect of fiber. Increasing probiotics too quickly can also lead to gas. To avoid diarrhea and gassiness after taking antibiotics, eat yogurt that has a live culture. Besides yogurt, probiotic foods include kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, kombucha, miso, and pickles are probiotic foods.

Eating food with high water content can keep the bowels moving and prevent gassiness.

Add some watermelon and cucumbers to your plate and increase the water content in your digestive system. It can help flush out waste and prevent bloating. Drinking more water is also another good solution. The water not only makes elimination easier, but it also can improve your skin and make you look more youthful by keeping you hydrated.

  • Papaya and pineapple contain digestive enzymes that aid the body in breaking down food. That improved digestion can help prevent bloating.
  • Avoiding foods that can create bloating can also help relieve the problem. Foods high in sugar are often guilty of doing that. They are digested in the large intestines by microbes whose waste products are gas. You aren’t the gassy ones, they are, but you pay the price.
  • Oatmeal can help start your morning right by providing the fiber that gets your bowels moving early in the morning. It helps you get rid of the waste that can build up and cause gas.
  • Drinking ginger tea is known to help digestive issues. The enzyme, zingibain, in ginger helps break down protein, which can aid in reducing bloating and gastric distress.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching


What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics?

What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics?

Every day, there’s a new commercial involving probiotic products. What are probiotics? What are the benefits of probiotics? If you use probiotic products are there side effects? The body has millions of microbes, many of which are in the gut. These microbes can be beneficial or harmful. The beneficial gut microbiome helps with digestion and performs many other tasks to help the human body. When the balance of beneficial microbes is too low, it allows the harmful ones to take over, causing illness and the healthy functions left undone. Probiotics help replenish some of the beneficial microbes in the gut.

Increasing the population of beneficial bacteria can improve your health.

A lot of things can cause an imbalance or depletion of the microbiome in your gut. The food you eat, antibiotics, and lack of exercise are three. Each microbe helps in different ways. Some produce waste which is a chemical necessary to send messages to the brain that aid bodily functions. Some help digest food so the body can receive its nutrients. These microbes live symbiotically with the body, getting nutrition from what we eat and in return providing a benefit to the body. They help control metabolism, mental health, immunity, digestion, and most of the body’s functioning, including blood pressure.

Probiotics replenish the microbes in the gut.

Probiotics are one way to repopulate the gut. Probiotics can come in a pill form, an additive, or be a natural part of the food. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yogurt, tempeh, and other fermented foods are all probiotics since they contain live beneficial bacteria. Antibiotics, pesticides, a diet high in sugar, artificial sweeteners, or alcohol, or a diet that doesn’t contain prebiotic foods, such as fiber, which feeds the beneficial bacteria, can cause an imbalance. Lack of exercise and stress can also lead to an imbalance.

While there are many benefits, some people shouldn’t take probiotics.

Probiotics aren’t beneficial to everyone. People with a compromised immune system shouldn’t take them. That includes people going through immune suppression therapy. Those with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth—SBO—should also avoid probiotics. People with a histamine intolerance should be careful about the type of probiotics they use. Some strains of bacteria produce histamine, while others block it.

  • A healthy balance of bacteria may help weight loss efforts, particularly on the belly. Some microbes block fat absorption in the intestines, eliminating it as waste. Others make you feel fuller faster, or help build muscle mass.
  • Probiotics can help prevent UTIs, thrush, and other illnesses. People traveling should start a program of probiotics two weeks before they leave to boost their immunity, and keep them healthier while traveling.
  • If you use supplements or pills to increase your beneficial bacteria, use ones that contain at least 10 billion bacteria in a broad spectrum. Eat food with soluble fiber to feed the new bacteria to be most successful.
  • Studies show probiotics affect mood. It’s been used to treat anxiety, OCD, depression, brain fog, and autism. Nutritional deficiencies may come from an imbalance, so they may be beneficial for B12, K, B7, D, or magnesium deficiencies.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

How Good Nutrition Affects Mental Health

How Good Nutrition Affects Mental Health

You are what you eat, according to recent studies. Your nutrition is more than just how your body looks, your health, or your energy level. Studies show your diet also affects your mental health. The new field of study is called nutritional psychiatry. When you consider biochemicals are treatments for many mental conditions, you can understand that naturally occurring chemicals in food, or chemicals created when digesting food, can do the same. Herbs also affect mental health. Cinnamon aids ADHD and irritability symptoms. Green tea and nuts help focus.

The messengers in your body are affected by your digestive tract.

Your body has more microbes than it does cells. These microscopic hitchhikers keep the body functioning properly, but only if there is a good balance and are more beneficial microbes than harmful ones. Most of the body’s microbes are found in the gut microbiome. A healthy diet can help produce more beneficial microbes, which also keep the harmful ones at bay. If your diet is high in soluble fiber found in many fruits and vegetables, it provides nutrients that feed the beneficial bacteria. If your diet is high in sugar, it diminishes the number of beneficial microbes and increases the harmful ones.

Some microbes produce short-chain fatty acids.

The fatty acids help regulate the nervous system. The population of these bacteria is scanter in people who suffer from anxiety or depression. People with high levels of anxiety and depression also have a particular species of microbes that create inflammation that can affect the vagus nerve, causing anxiety symptoms, such as increased heart rate, mood issues, a lowered immune response, and digestion. Others believe it’s the introduction of inflammation alone may also cause mental issues.

Protect your brain with food high in antioxidants.

Food high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods can help keep your brain healthier. They can protect the brain from free radicals that cause damage. Sugar damages the body, and studies show a diet high in sugar can increase inflammation, blood sugar fluctuations, and increase mood disorders, and depression. Increasing omega-3 fatty acids and reducing omega-6 can also improve behavior. A prison study at the most violent prison in England showed a dramatic reduction in violence when they increased omega-3 in the diet.

  • Neurotransmitters are produced in the digestive tract. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for many functions, including mood shifts. Specific gut microbes are necessary to produce it. Your diet helps determine whether you have an adequate population.
  • A high-sugar diet not only kills beneficial bacteria and microbes but also causes insulin spikes and high blood glucose levels. Those spikes can boost energy, but the sudden drop in levels can cause emotional responses and lethargy.
  • When scientists compared the impact of the average American diet to the traditional Mediterranean or Japanese diet, those consuming the Western diet showed a higher incidence of depression.
  • Include food higher in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon or flaxseed, and foods high in vitamin B, folic acid, and tryptophan. Vitamin D also affects your mood, and safe sunning is a good option.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

What Is A Mediterranean Diet?

What Is A Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet is based on a simple concept of consuming the food in the traditional diet of people who live in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. These countries include Greece, Spain, France, and Italy. Research shows that people consuming the traditional diet had a lower risk of several chronic conditions. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, premature death, and strokes. Part of the reason it’s good for health is that it aids in weight loss.

The diet consists of foods to consume.

The Mediterranean diet includes fruit, whole grains, vegetables, heart-healthy fat, and a healthy protein source. Protein sources include poultry, legumes, eggs, dairy, fish and seafood, nuts, seeds, and nut butter. Heart-healthy fats include olives, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, and avocado oil. Even certain herbs and spices, such as basil, garlic, rosemary, sage, nutmeg, cinnamon, and pepper are also essential. The exact type of food will vary from country to country, but overall, the diet is high in plant-based foods and lower in animal products. It also includes seafood and fish at least twice a week.

The Mediterranean diet also includes foods to limit or avoid entirely.

Whole grains are allowed, but refined grains or products made with them, such as pasta, white bread, or tortillas, aren’t. While olive oil and avocado oil are beneficial, refined oils such as canola oil, grapeseed oil, soybean oil, and cottonseed oil aren’t. Animal products are more limited, and processed meat is prohibited; just as other highly processed foods are. Those include food with added sugar, fast food, and food containing trans fats.

You can enjoy restaurant food if you choose carefully.

If you eat at a dine-in restaurant, you’ll often be able to find food that is part of the Mediterranean diet. Vegetables or vegetable dishes, whole grain bread, legumes, and fish or seafood are normally found in most restaurants. Ask your server for extra virgin olive oil instead of butter to top whole grain bread. Some restaurants offer garlic olive oil for dipping.

  • Water, coffee or tea without cream or sweeteners, and approximately a glass of red wine a day are recommended drinks for the Mediterranean diet. Fruit juice in moderation can be included, but eating the whole fruit is better.
  • Sharing a meal with others and socializing are part of traditional Mediterranean cultures. Laughter and good conversation make meals more enjoyable and reduce stress.
  • Research suggests combining the Mediterranean diet with the Mediterranean lifestyle provides more health benefits. Besides socializing and reducing stress, it includes regular physical activity.
  • The Mediterranean diet boosts heart health, improves brain functioning, slowing cognitive decline. Newer studies may show it may help improve arthritis, protect against cancer, and lowers blood pressure.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Best Foods For Improving Brain Power

Best Foods For Improving Brain Power

If you’re living in Louisiana and searching for food to improve your brain power, consider Salmon New Orleans. This delicious recipe contains pan-seared salmon with sauteed shrimp. Salmon, like other fatty fish, is brain food because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains. The brain is mostly fat, with half the fat being omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acids help build both nerve and brain cells that help you learn and retain what you learned. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent mental decline, including Alzheimer’s.

Start with green tea or coffee.

Both coffee and green tea contain caffeine and antioxidants. Caffeine improves concentration and alertness. It also boosts dopamine, which makes you feel good. Studies show that if you drink coffee frequently, it lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Green tea has antioxidants to protect the brain but also has an amino acid, L-theanine, that can cross the brain’s blood-brain barrier, increasing GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps you feel more relaxed.

Include fruit like blueberries or oranges or veggies like broccoli.

Most people automatically think of vitamin C if asked what vitamins oranges have. Vitamin C is important for brain health and preventing damage from free radicals that cause mental decline. People with higher levels of vitamin C have improved focus, memory, and decision-making speed. Not only do oranges provide vitamin C, but so do bell peppers, strawberries, and tomatoes. Blueberries and other blue or purple fruit contain anthocyanins, which gives the berries their color. It helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. That helps slow brain aging and improve memory and cognitive functioning.

Nuts and eggs also help boost brain power as it protects the brain.

Get brain-boosting nutrients from the vitamin B family when you consume eggs. Eggs contain B6, B12, choline, and folate. All of these are important to the brain. Vitamin B6 is an antioxidant and helps make neurotransmitters, promoting brain health. A vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is associated with low cognitive functioning and dementia. Choline improves mental functioning and memory. Nuts have a variety of brain-boosting benefits from reducing the risk of cognitive decline to improving memory. They contain healthy fat and vitamin E, which protects the brain.

  • It’s not always about what you eat that boosts your brain power, but what you don’t eat. A low-carb diet, devoid of foods with added sugar, can boost your brain power by reducing inflammation.
  • Dip a strawberry in dark chocolate for a dessert that packs power. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content above 70% is healthy. It has caffeine, antioxidants, and flavonoids to help boost brain health. The flavonoids enhance memory and slow mental decline.
  • Food high in vitamin K, like spinach, broccoli, and leafy greens, provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits for the brain. It can protect the brain and aid in maintaining memory and cognitive functioning.
  • Spices can benefit the brain, too. Turmeric is the one best known for brain benefits, but sage and lemon balm also have them. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It helps brain cells grow, improves memory, and reduces depression.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching