Health & Fitness

How To Help Depression With Exercise

How To Help Depression With Exercise

There are many causes of depression. Some are severe and require clinical intervention. Others are mild, such as waking up to an overcast day. Depression caused by losing a job or a broken relationship may be more serious, but just like mild depression, exercise helps. No matter what the cause, exercise can help reduce depression. Therapists use exercise as an adjunct therapy. If depression occurs because of a broken relationship, exercise can do double duty. It can help you feel better and look fabulous, too. There’s no better revenge than making yourself look better.

You can do an exercise routine or go for a walk.

Just moving is what’s important. The more you move, the more improved your circulation and the more blood goes to the brain. That can improve your mental state. Benefits increase if your workout is more intense or a HIIT—high intensity interval training—session. The more intensity you put forth, the more stress hormones you burn. You also increase the happy hormones you create.

Exercise diverts your attention.

If you have a problem or a situation that makes you depressed, often all your thoughts and all your energy go into mulling it over and reliving it again. Exercising can divert your attention. If you’re walking, watching where you are going is a diversion. You can increase the effect by counting your steps. Think of the happiest song you know and play it in your head as you walk. Hum it or sing it if you’re working out where that’s possible.

Exercise increases neurogenesis—the process of creating new brain cells.

Whether you choose strength training, dancing, or other types of exercise, you’ll boost the potential to create new brain cells as you improve your overall fitness. Studies show that stroke patients suffered less depression when they did strength-building exercises for ten weeks. The stronger you are, the more in control you feel and part of depression is the feeling you don’t control your life. Combining intense aerobic exercise to burn off hormones with strength-building exercises, such as circuit training where you don’t rest very long between exercises, can help boost your mood faster and diminish depression.

  • If you aren’t in shape or need a low-impact workout, consider yoga or tai chi. It’s especially good for seniors who often suffer from low-grade depression. Joining a yoga or tai chi class also provides socialization, which can help depressed people.
  • Exercising can get you up and moving. Too often depressed people just want to go to bed or sit on the couch. As you workout, your desire to hide under the covers will disappear.
  • When you exercise, you feel a sense of accomplishment and that you’re doing something to get your life back in control. It can help you feel stronger, making it harder to feel depressed.
  • Do an activity you love. Whether it’s bike riding, shooting hoops, dancing, or traditional exercise, just moving helps. It can be as simple as running up and down the steps.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Should You Consider A Dance Class?

Should You Consider A Dance Class?

If you get bored doing all those squats and lunges, it’s time to have fun while you exercise. The more you enjoy an activity, the more you’ll tend to do it. That’s why many people in Louisiana choose a dance class as one of their fitness activities. Ballerinas and jazz dancers do grueling workouts that require balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance. You don’t have to do the latest dances to get plenty of exercise. You don’t have to do the latest dances to get plenty of exercise. You can take ballroom dancing and learn the classic steps, learn ballet, or go country with some line dancing.

You’ll improve your cardiovascular system even when you’re slow dancing.

Some people hate to run and would only do it with a bear or ‘gator chasing them. If you’re one of those people, bike riding, walking, or dancing might be the best workout for your cardiovascular system. Walking is the easiest and requires no equipment. Dancing is even better. Many local areas offer low-cost or free community center dance classes. You can also go online and find them. It doesn’t matter what age or the type of dance you take. It can get your heart pumping and improve your health.

You’ll build strength.

Almost all types of dance work both upper and lower body muscles. You might not build the big rippling muscles of weight lifting, but dance tones your muscles and builds strength. There’s as much athleticism displayed by professional dancers as there is by professional ball players. Even though ballerinas don’t take the hits like a pro ball player, they demand as much of their muscles. Jazz, modern, ballroom, or hip hop work the glutes and lower body. Many dance forms can work the upper body and provide a full-body workout

You’ll improve your flexibility and balance.

You might be the most uncoordinated person in the world, and after a year of dancing, you’ll show a lot of improvement. You won’t necessarily be the best dancer, but you’ll have improved flexibility and balance. Everything takes practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll be at it. Dance is about the total control of muscles. No matter what type of dance you do, some movements require that you turn your whole body, arms, legs, or even head in a specific manner. That requires control of large and small muscles. It also helps increase the range of motion and balance.

  • You’ll focus more on the movements and the music and less on the time. Dance classes tend to feel like time goes quickly and are quite different than walking the treadmill for an hour.
  • Dance is a full-body workout. That means it burns a lot of calories. If you’re trying to lose weight, this heart-healthy option is perfect. You can lower your blood pressure and improve your bone and muscle strength when you dance.
  • When you take dance classes, you’ll boost your brain power. Learning steps and movements create new neurotransmitters in the brain. Those boost brain power and focus.
  • Like all types of exercise, dancing can improve your sleep and burn off stress hormones. It also helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improves your cholesterol profile.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

It doesn’t matter whether you work in an office, in a factory, or at a building site, it’s difficult to keep healthy snacks that keep you full until your next meal. You can avoid the mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump by avoiding the vending machine and taking your own. It should contain protein, fat, or fiber. A handful of M&Ms may satisfy you for a few minutes, but that feeling of energy quickly wears off, leaving you even more exhausted. That’s because candy is full of sugar. Sugar spikes your glucose level and just as quickly drops it even lower.

Choose a carbohydrate and protein snack.

You can save money and tame your hunger at the same time by choosing fruit and vegetables with peanut butter as a dip. Small one-ounce plastic condiment cups with lids hold two tablespoons of peanut butter. These are inexpensive and you can purchase them online for pennies each. Two tablespoons are enough for a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Take celery or sliced apples in a separate plastic bag. Before you pack the apples, toss the slices in a solution that’s 50% water and 50% lemon juice to help prevent browning. Then, dip half your apple slices or celery sticks in the peanut butter for a tasty treat with fiber, protein, and fat that’s filling, and carbs that give you instant energy.

Make trail mix and pack it in individual serving sizes.

You don’t need refrigeration or even a place to store your snack. If you make individual serving-size packets of trail mix, you can carry it in your pocket. Include nuts, seeds, or dried fruit without added sweeteners, and even add cereal. Add dark chocolate chips for more sweetness. Increase the volume and fiber while cutting the calories by tossing in air-popped popcorn. Add extra flavor with seasonings.

Make your microwave, air-popped, or stove-top popcorn.

If you have a microwave at your workplace, you don’t need packaged microwave popcorn for a low-calorie treat, just a microwave bowl with a loose-fitting lid. Sprinkle it with popcorn seasoning or use Parmesan grated cheese. You can make a batch at home, season it, and put it in individual paper sandwich bags for snacking at work.

  • Take energy balls made with three ingredients, toasted oats or wheat germ, natural peanut butter made only from peanuts, and a tad of honey or maple syrup to sweeten. Mix the peanut butter and maple syrup first then add enough dry ingredients to make it firm. Roll in balls.
  • If you have a refrigerator or good cooler, make a healthy parfait. Layer plain Greek yogurt, nuts, and fruit in a half-pint Mason jar. Put the lid on, and it’s ready to travel.
  • Individual serving sizes of fruit packed in its own juice are available. If you’re in a hurry, it’s quick, but it isn’t as filling as a snack with protein. Read the label to make sure there is no added sugar.
  • When you’re really in a hurry and want an easy snack that will fill you up that’s also nutritious, take vacuum-sealed tun pouches or individual tuna servings. A hard-boiled egg is also a good option.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

If you’ve ever gone heavy on the salt shaker at dinner, only to wake up looking like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man, you know that salt can cause water-weight gain, edema, and bloating. It does interfere with weight loss, but it’s only a temporary setback until the sodium flushes out of your body. Salt plays a role in permanent weight gain.

Salt can cause your appetite to increase.

You don’t have to be a scientist to know that salt affects your blood pressure and can cause temporary swelling of extremities from water retention. Scientists have discovered something new about salt. People who ate a diet normally higher in salt didn’t drink more fluid. They drank less than people who included less salt in their diet. Instead of drinking more water or other liquids, they ate more food. They were hungrier and the increased food intake caused an increased calorie intake and weight gain.

Space exploration has brought several revelations about life on Earth.

Since astronauts train in a controlled environment, it’s the perfect time to conduct experiments that would be hard to do otherwise. One study conducted in Russia when ten cosmonauts were training for travel to Mars included varying only one aspect of their diet. That variance was the amount of salt consumed. In the initial 28 days of the study, cosmonauts were given 12 grams of salt in their food, twice as much salt as recommended. During the next 28 days, scientists reduced the amount to 9 grams. In the last four weeks of the study, each cosmonaut had only 6 grams of daily salt.

So how did the study show a link between salt and those extra pounds?

The salt content was higher in the first 28 days, and the cosmonauts were hungrier and would have gladly eaten more. As the portion of salt reduced, so did their appetite. The scientists concluded that the salt increased their appetite. Other studies backed the conclusion. A study on school-age children showed a link between a high-salt diet and childhood obesity. Why does this happen? Some feel it’s because the body mistakes thirst for hunger. Others feel it’s because, in the case of the children, they consumed more high-calorie drinks.

  • Various studies have linked a diet high in salt to an increase in calorie intake by approximately 11%. Some scientists believe it may be due to the increased need for calories to create urea. It’s necessary to balance sodium and water.
  • Some people love the taste of salt in their food. Whether you’ve accustomed your taste buds to extremely salty food or simply hate bland food. Salt can make food taste better so you might eat more of it.
  • Cutting back on salt can provide many benefits. It can help lower your blood pressure. It can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • You don’t have to give up flavor when you give up salt. There are many spices and herbs you can add that have health benefits. You’ll find several herb and spice salt substitutes available.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

The Best Vs. Worst Types Of Protein You Can Eat

The Best Vs. Worst Types Of Protein You Can Eat

All food is one of the macronutrients, fat, protein, and carbohydrates. There are good options in all three categories and bad ones. To eat healthier, choose the best types of each macronutrient and avoid the worst sources. For carbs, fruits and vegetables are good sources, while candy bars and donuts are bad ones. Trans fats in fried foods are poor sources of fat, but salmon is a good source. Here are healthy options and unhealthy ones for protein.

Avoid poor-quality protein that often has fillers and additives or fried protein options.

Processed meats are an example of poor-quality protein. It’s not the meat itself that’s the problem. It’s all the additives. They include hot dogs and sausages with tons of nitrates and sodium. While the protein may be marginally good, the additives negate any benefits. Deep frying also reduces the benefits of even the healthiest protein options. If you eat chicken or shrimp, avoid the breading and deep frying and opt for steamed, boiled, grilled, or baked alternatives.

Choose protein sources that provide other benefits.

Eggs don’t cost a lot but provide a lot of nutrients. They are high in B vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline. Tuna, salmon, and other fatty fish are also excellent sources. They contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that make them even more beneficial. For vegetarians, beans and lentils are good options. They’re also high in fiber.

You need quality protein daily.

You can’t store protein, so you have to eat it daily. If you’re a vegan, it’s more difficult. Protein is made from amino acids. Your body can make most of them, except nine. These are essential amino acids that must come from food. Animal products contain all nine essential amino acids, so they’re complete. Few plant protein options do. Beans are good sources of protein but are incomplete. When combined with rice, the two become complete protein sources. If you’re vegan, choose your sources carefully. You don’t have to eat all the amino acids at once, just throughout the same day.

  • Protein powders and protein bars may sound like a viable choice, but they aren’t. Many protein bars are nothing more than glorified candy bars and protein powders can be deceptive. Many contain unhealthy fillers.
  • Quinoa is one plant source of complete protein. Soy products, hemp seeds, chia seeds, buckwheat, amaranth, nutritional yeast, and blue-green algae are others.
  • You can’t go wrong with skinless chicken breast. Bodybuilders often consume it when they’re training. It’s lower in calories and high in niacin, selenium, B6, B12, plus phosphorus.
  • Not all protein sources are expensive. Canned tuna, organ meats, chicken, beans, and eggs are examples. If you choose red meat, make it meat or animal products from pastured, grass-fed animals. They’re higher in nutrients.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Amazing Foods To Fight Depression

Amazing Foods To Fight Depression

If you live in Louisiana, you probably know someone battling depression. There are many ways to fight depression, from exercising regularly to changing the foods you eat. Of course, we’re not talking about severe depression. You can still change your diet and add exercise but always seek professional help. Depression can occur for many reasons. Some are more obvious, like losing a loved one. Some are hidden. Depression can also occur due to biological factors.

Start by cutting out sugar.

No matter how many healthy foods you add to your diet, if you’re mixing them with food laden with added sugar, you won’t feel better physically or mentally. Some studies show sugar interferes with the communication between the brain and the gut. A diet high in sugar encourages harmful microbes to grow and limits beneficial ones. Beneficial bacteria improve communication and have a chemical influence that reduces anxiety, obesity, and depression.

Choose probiotics and prebiotics to boost your mood.

If your diet is primarily red or processed meat, high-fat foods like fried foods, potatoes, or food with added sugar, it kills the beneficial microbes. Replenish them with probiotic food, like yogurt or sauerkraut. Feeding the beneficial microbes also helps. You do that with prebiotics. Prebiotics are foods with soluble fiber. The fiber feeds beneficial microbes and helps diversify your gut microbiome. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables like avocados and broccoli, and beans or lentils are excellent additions that help.

Adding spices to your meals can also help with depression.

Saffron is a golden spice that’s been used to flavor and color dishes. It’s been used for years to fight depression. Studies show that it offers a promising aid. It increases serotonin levels. Serotonin is a mood elevator. Other studies show it significantly improved the symptoms of depression when compared to a placebo. A cup of chamomile tea has long been used for relaxation, but a 2012 study showed it also helped depression. Just smelling lavender oil throughout the night by putting it on your pillow can also help lift mild depression.

  • Food high in vitamin D, such as fatty fish like salmon or canned tuna, can lift your spirits. You can also increase vitamin D by safe sunning. Walk in the park with your shoes off, you’ll get vitamin D, enjoy the beauty of nature, and experience grounding that’s beneficial for relaxation.
  • Add foods with Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet and decrease foods with omega-6. It’s all about a better balance between the two. Again, fatty fish are high in omega-3. Fried foods and processed foods are often high in omega-6.
  • Eat food containing antioxidants. Foods containing beta-carotene include broccoli, cantaloupe, and spinach. Foods high in vitamin C are blueberries or citrus fruit. Foods high in vitamin E include nuts and seeds.
  • Go for foods with tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid necessary for the production of serotonin. Nibble on smaller amounts of beans and peas, poultry, or yogurt throughout the day to relieve the symptoms of depression.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Can Vegetarians Lose Weight More Easily?

Can Vegetarians Lose Weight More Easily?

People who don’t know any vegetarians often picture them as lean and lanky, able to lose weight at the drop of a hat. However, there are some overweight and obese vegetarians. Choosing a vegetarian diet doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be thinner. Losing weight is all about the calories consumed. Vegetarians consume milk, eggs, or both. There are vegetarian candy bars, puddings, and junk food. The Impossible burger, a meatless alternative to the Whopper, is vegetarian. Both have approximately the same number of calories. If you’re vegetarian and live on junk food, you’re more apt to be round than lean and lanky.

It’s the veggie part of vegetarianism that makes you thinner.

If you’re eating healthy, regardless of the type of diet you chose, you’ll lose weight. A healthy diet includes plenty of whole foods, including fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re an omnivarian and consume both meat and vegetables, or a vegetarian, eating more fruits and vegetables fills you, but doesn’t provide many calories. They fill you up and the fiber keeps you feeling full longer.

A vegetarian’s diet is generally lower in calories.

If you’re eating a healthy plant-based diet, you’ll consume all the nutrients you need, plus plenty of fiber and protein. Both of these keep you feeling full longer. A diet focused only on meat and animal products doesn’t contain filling fiber. Fiber also slows the entry of glucose into the bloodstream, which prevents blood sugar from spiking. That sugar rush can cause insulin resistance, making weight loss more difficult.

Whether you’re vegetarian or eat both meat and vegetables, it’s all about the food you choose.

It’s all about cutting out highly processed food and food with added sugar, plus eating a healthy diet that counts. It doesn’t matter whether you’re vegetarian or flexitarian—choosing to eat both meat and vegetables. Alternative meat substitutes may not be as healthy as the real thing. Some have taken many vegetarians on a dangerous path of consuming high amounts of chemicals and calories in their diet. No matter how vegetarian or vegan a cookie is, it’s still a cookie.

  • Studies show vegetarians tend to weigh less. People who follow a vegetarian diet also reduce their risk of heart disease compared to nonvegetarians. It may be due to closer attention to healthy eating.
  • Losing weight is all about making smarter choices. Increasing more produce in your diet is a smarter choice. Since vegetables are lower in calories, it takes a huge amount of veggies to gain weight.
  • Vegetarians need to ensure they get all essential amino acids. Eggs and milk products can help do that. Without adequate complete protein in the diet, muscle tissue is lost and metabolism slows.
  • Even if you’re eating a vegetable, it’s all about how it’s cooked. French fries come from potatoes, which are vegetables, but a diet of French fries won’t help you lose weight. Stick to healthier options and reduce the salad dressing you use on salads.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Why You Gain Weight On Your Face When You Age

Why You Gain Weight On Your Face When You Age

Your face changes as you age. It can sag due to less collagen, get wrinkled and even gain weight. For some people weight gain occurs all over the body. Metabolism slows as you age for many reasons. Muscle mass is lost. Weight gain on the face, just like weight gain on the body doesn’t happen overnight. To avoid gaining weight on the face follow the same rules to avoid gaining on your body, exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. It can prevent the accumulation of fat on your waist, arms, legs, face, and neck.

Your genetics play a role.

People lose weight in different ways. Some lose it on their hands and arms first, while others lose it on their face. The same is true for weight gain. Skin gets thinner as you age. You lose collagen, and it becomes saggy and less elastic. A slowing metabolism can cause weight gain all over the body. Sometimes being less active and less social also means less facial movement, so fewer muscle movements contribute to the change. Fat can deposit at the jawline and under the eyes making your face look fatter. Genetics plays a role in where the body accumulates fat, or loses it.

It’s all about your lifestyle and more than just weight gain.

If you’re eating food high in sugar, it causes inflammation and affects your entire body. A diet high in sugar also causes stress that produces cortisol. Cortisol can lead to weight gain. Your hormones play an important role in where the pounds land, too. You can help keep your hormones in line by eating healthier and living an active lifestyle. Getting adequate hydration also plays a role. It can make sagging, fatty-looking skin firmer and more youthful. What else can make your skin look firm? Losing weight can do it. If you lose just 10% of your body weight, you’ll see a noticeable difference.

Get plenty of sleep.

Getting adequate sleep can help you lose weight. When you lack sleep, your body produces more ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and less leptin—the one that makes you feel full. Lack of sleep can cause a puffy face. Most people can tell if you didn’t get enough ZZZs. Alcohol and a high-sodium diet can also create puffiness in your face.

  • Chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, including on the face. Some medications, such as prednisone, increase fat deposits on the face. Talk to your healthcare professional to see if there’s an alternative medication.
  • Increase antioxidants in your diet and anti-inflammatories. Drinking green tea can help, just like fresh fruits and vegetables of all colors. Slowly increasing fiber in your diet can reduce bloating.
  • Genetics also plays a role in the number of fat cells in the face and their size. It can determine whether that number grows and the fat cell size increases as you age.
  • You can make a difference by adopting a program of exercise and a healthy diet, you can help eliminate excess fat on your face. We can help you with a diet designed specifically for your needs.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

How To Properly Detox

How To Properly Detox

Between toxic sites and flooding, people in Louisiana may find that a detox makes them feel better. It also helps if you’ve made poor dietary choices and need a dietary reset. Look at the product you use in your own home. Shampoo, cleaning products, and abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, or food add to the problem. Detoxing isn’t a new fad. It’s been around for years. It’s a way to give your organs a rest, remove toxins, let inflammation subside, and allow your body to build new healthy cells.

Don’t just jump into a detox.

Plan your detox for the best success. Start slowly if you’re giving up bad habits like alcohol abuse, smoking cigarettes, or abusing medication or illegal drugs. If you’re trying to eliminate the toxins from food, slowly cutting back on highly processed food and refined sugar will help. You can switch household cleaners to something environmentally friendly. Instead of a commercial toilet and bathroom cleaner, use distilled vinegar and sprinkle baking soda for a lightly abrasive scrub.

Find a time you can take several days off without stress.

Schedule your day or two of detox. Make it a time you can eliminate stress from your life and spend time alone, with no demands. Learn relaxation techniques you can use if you’re faced with stress. You can meditate, do deep breathing, or do a form of exercise that helps you relax, such as yoga and tai chi. Spend a few weeks before detoxing to help perfect your technique.

Look for a program that fits your needs.

You can detox with smoothies and fruit or vegetable juices or do a water fast. Detoxing is about flushing out toxins and also giving your digestive system a rest. It’s one of the oldest ways people use and instinctive. If you don’t feel good, you rest and limit your eating. Beet juice detox, watermelon juice, cucumber lemonade, an ACV detox, and coconut water detox are a few options.

  • Detoxing can occur for a variety of reasons. By eliminating toxins, it can improve skin, aid in losing fat, and diminish bloating. Your body does its own detox via the colon, kidneys, and liver. Your detoxing gives your body rest and improves that elimination through your system.
  • If you’re under stress with a busy schedule, put detoxing on the back burner. It will just cause more anxiety and stress if you’re constantly thinking of everything you need to do. Opt for a massage or sauna instead.
  • If you’re using fruit and vegetable juice to detox, make sure you include the fiber from the fruit. Blend the fruits and vegetables, rather than juice them. The fiber helps you feel fuller.
  • Not everyone should attempt a detox. If you have a health condition, are diabetic, pregnant, lactating, or are taking medication, always check with your health care professional first.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

If you’re considering a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to know the number of grams of carbs you should normally eat and reduce that amount. Low-carbohydrate diets can be successful for several reasons. One of those is that many foods high in calories are also high in carbohydrates. Simple sugars and food with added sugar are high in carbs. Highly processed foods often are too. Both groups of foods are also high in calories, which can pack on the pounds.

What is a carb?

A carb is a quick way to say carbohydrate. It’s one of the macronutrients, along with protein and fat. Carbohydrates are divided further into two groups. Simple carbs and complex ones. Simple carbs digest quickly and raise blood glucose levels. Complex carbs take longer and often contain substantial fiber. While most carbohydrates are from plant sources, dairy contains lactose, the sugar in milk.

The amount of carbs varies by age, weight, medical history, and activity level.

Carbs are used for energy. Energy for the body is measured in calories. A five foot three inch, 130-pound sedentary woman who is 72 requires fewer calories than a six foot one inch 180-pound active and muscular male that’s 22. Therefore, they need fewer grams of carbs. It’s easier to estimate how many calories are necessary and then reduce the percentage that comes from carbohydrates.

What percentage of carbohydrates in your diet is necessary for weight loss?

Most diets for weight loss first calculate the calories necessary to produce that result. If someone maintains their weight at 2500 calories, reducing that amount to 2,000 calories produces a deficit of 500 calories a day. It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound, so after 7 days on the diet, the person would lose a pound. A keto or low-carb diet takes it a step further. The diet dictates the percentage of calories from each macronutrient. The average diet allows 50% from carbs, while a low-carb diet may allow 5 to 15% of calories from carbohydrates with 25 to 45% from protein and the rest from fat.

  • The average low-carb diet contains between 20 and 120 grams daily. Avoiding carbs means avoiding sugary products and food with bleached flour like white bread. Your diet should include whole grains for both the nutrients and the fiber.
  • It’s all about eating healthier. You can eat the same number of calories in broccoli or donuts, but the broccoli will be a healthier choice and lower in carbohydrates. Even if you’re on a low-carb diet, make healthy choices.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting any dietary change. A low-carb diet isn’t beneficial for everyone. When consuming lower carbohydrates, make sure your protein and fat selections are healthy.
  • If it all sounds confusing, don’t worry. We can take the guesswork out of a low-carb diet. We’ll provide a healthy menu specifically designed for your needs and include shopping lists and recipes to make it easier.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching