Health & Fitness

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

If you’re considering a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to know the number of grams of carbs you should normally eat and reduce that amount. Low-carbohydrate diets can be successful for several reasons. One of those is that many foods high in calories are also high in carbohydrates. Simple sugars and food with added sugar are high in carbs. Highly processed foods often are too. Both groups of foods are also high in calories, which can pack on the pounds.

What is a carb?

A carb is a quick way to say carbohydrate. It’s one of the macronutrients, along with protein and fat. Carbohydrates are divided further into two groups. Simple carbs and complex ones. Simple carbs digest quickly and raise blood glucose levels. Complex carbs take longer and often contain substantial fiber. While most carbohydrates are from plant sources, dairy contains lactose, the sugar in milk.

The amount of carbs varies by age, weight, medical history, and activity level.

Carbs are used for energy. Energy for the body is measured in calories. A five foot three inch, 130-pound sedentary woman who is 72 requires fewer calories than a six foot one inch 180-pound active and muscular male that’s 22. Therefore, they need fewer grams of carbs. It’s easier to estimate how many calories are necessary and then reduce the percentage that comes from carbohydrates.

What percentage of carbohydrates in your diet is necessary for weight loss?

Most diets for weight loss first calculate the calories necessary to produce that result. If someone maintains their weight at 2500 calories, reducing that amount to 2,000 calories produces a deficit of 500 calories a day. It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound, so after 7 days on the diet, the person would lose a pound. A keto or low-carb diet takes it a step further. The diet dictates the percentage of calories from each macronutrient. The average diet allows 50% from carbs, while a low-carb diet may allow 5 to 15% of calories from carbohydrates with 25 to 45% from protein and the rest from fat.

  • The average low-carb diet contains between 20 and 120 grams daily. Avoiding carbs means avoiding sugary products and food with bleached flour like white bread. Your diet should include whole grains for both the nutrients and the fiber.
  • It’s all about eating healthier. You can eat the same number of calories in broccoli or donuts, but the broccoli will be a healthier choice and lower in carbohydrates. Even if you’re on a low-carb diet, make healthy choices.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting any dietary change. A low-carb diet isn’t beneficial for everyone. When consuming lower carbohydrates, make sure your protein and fat selections are healthy.
  • If it all sounds confusing, don’t worry. We can take the guesswork out of a low-carb diet. We’ll provide a healthy menu specifically designed for your needs and include shopping lists and recipes to make it easier.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

The Importance Of Stress Management In Weight Loss

The Importance Of Stress Management In Weight Loss

Even though it’s beautiful and the people are friendly, just like living anywhere, there are some stressful times for everyone living in Louisiana. If you’re having problems with weight loss, consider stress management. Stress is a killer. It can affect the entire body and cause you to gain weight. That’s right! It’s all about the hormones created when you feel stressed and many of the chemical reactions in the body. Maybe the same things that put you on tilt also put pounds on your belly.

Hormones are messengers that trigger chemical reactions.

The body is an amazing machine. It’s programmed for survival. In prehistoric times, people survived dangers by fighting or running. The body had to make changes to improve its performance. It releases hormones, like cortisol, to signal the body. More blood had to be sent to the extremities, so some functions that weren’t vital for the moment were slowed, like digestion. The heart rate increases and you breathe more rapidly to provide more oxygen to the brain and muscles. Pupils dilate to improve vision by letting more light in the eyes. Muscles tense and other changes prepare the body for the impending danger.

Today’s stressors are more insidious.

Everyone can understand how being attacked by a wild animal could create stress, but you may not be aware of how everyday things can create the same problem. Sounds and images can create stress, even though they’re only a video. A crying baby, an angry boss, or even traffic jams are stressful. That causes the body to release cortisol. Due to many things, including slowed digestion, it causes fat to accumulate in the abdomen.

Cortisol causes sugar cravings.

Cortisol provides the second wind to continue fighting or running when your initial reserves deplete. It’s why it causes sugar cravings and makes your body demand more energy. It can also slow your metabolism to preserve the energy for escape or victory. You’ll burn fewer calories making it even harder to lose weight. It can cause difficulty sleeping. Lack of sleep causes increased ghrelin—the hunger hormone. Stress can also wear you out, diminishing your energy for exercise.

  • One of the best ways to control stress is through exercise. Exercise mimics fighting or running, which burns off stress-related hormones and gets you back to normal.
  • You may feel too tired to work out, but if you push through it and take the first step, you’ll be amazed at how it can boost your energy level and make you feel less stressed. Exercise also helps you sleep better, to reduce the production of ghrelin.
  • Other ways to deal with stress include deep breathing techniques, meditation, and an attitude of gratitude. Changing your focus to a more positive one can change your life and the shape of your body.
  • Take charge of your feelings. You can’t control what anyone else does, but you can control how you react to their behavior. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. When you feel stressed, drink some water and wash away that feeling.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Workouts That Are Safe In Pregnancy

Workouts That Are Safe In Pregnancy

Staying or improving your fitness can provide big rewards if you’re pregnant. It can make delivery easier and keep your energy and spirits higher. It’s not safe for everyone, but for most people with no complications, the right types of workouts are recommended. What are the right types of workouts? They vary by fitness level and how active you were before you became pregnant.

If you didn’t exercise before you were pregnant, keeping it simple is best.

As with any type of exercise program, each person is different, so before starting, always check with your healthcare professional to see what’s right for you and your pregnancy. If you’ve never exercised previously, don’t jump into marathon running, weightlifting, or other competitive and taxing forms of exercise. Use low-impact, low-intensity workouts. Start by walking. It’s simple, requires no gym membership and almost everyone can do it. You can work up to moderately intense workouts once you feel stronger.

If you exercised before you were pregnant, it’s probably safe to continue.

You can continue most activities you did before pregnancy with a few exclusions. If it involves body contact or jarring movements, reconsider. Basketball, volleyball, and skiing are a few of those activities. If you bicycle, switch to a stationary bike. It’s not the actual exercise that causes the problem, but the potential of falling. Your center of gravity changes as your pregnancy continues, and a fall can be dangerous to you and the baby.

Do as much as you can but don’t overdo it.

Whether you’re pregnant or not, exercising at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise is vital to your health. You don’t have to do it all at once, particularly if it exhausts you. Break it up into shorter sessions, such as 10 to 15 minutes two or three times a day. There’s nothing wrong with stopping if you feel exhausted and can’t as long as you planned. Do as much as you can. Besides abdominal crunches and contact sports, avoid exercises that cause your body to jerk or bounce, such as high-impact exercises. Your hormones during pregnancy cause ligaments to be more relaxed, so they don’t support the joints as well, increasing the risk of injury.

  • Avoid exercises that make you lay on your back, particularly in the later months of pregnancy. The weight of your larger uterus puts pressure on the vein to the heart. Try those exercises on your side.
  • Also, avoid exercises with a twisting motion of the body. When you’re exercising, stay out of the heat and humidity. Avoid exercising in high heat and humidity, especially during the first trimester. Stay hydrated.
  • Don’t hold your breath while you’re exercising. It can increase abdominal pressure. Avoid bouncing during stretching exercises.
  • Lifting weights during pregnancy can prepare your muscles to carry the baby. Always use light weights. You can use wrist and ankle weights and walk, making sure to pump your arms as you do.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Low-Impact Ways To Stay Fit

Low-Impact Ways To Stay Fit

If you want a safer workout that will keep you fit, low-impact exercises are a good option. They’re excellent for people with injuries, joint issues, back problems, or those who are older, out of shape, or pregnant. Low impact means you aren’t jumping or pounding your feet on the ground. They’re exercises where at least one foot is always on the ground. You won’t be jumping so you reduce the risk of joint injury, disc compression, or other musculoskeletal problems.

Low impact cardio will still get your heart beating fast.

When you run, the less time your feet touch the ground, the better. That causes you to become airborne, so you land hard. It’s hard on joints and takes a toll on the rest of the body. You don’t have to run to get a cardio workout, swim, row, or ride a bike. Use a stationary bike if you’re pregnant to avoid the potential of falling.

You need to include a cardio workout as part of a complete fitness program.

Running is just one way to get your cardio, but your feet slapping against the ground every mile can take a toll on your joints. Try jumping jacks without the jump, just stepping side to side, or something as simple as walking. Ride a stationary bike. If you have knee problems, put the setting on a lower resistance level. You can help lubricate the joints without increasing stress. Improving circulation provides maximum benefits without additional joint stress.

Low-impact exercises can improve strength.

Not only does the movement help lubricate the joints, but it also improves muscle and ligament strength to protect the joints. Strength-building workouts do that and most are low-impact. You can use bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or weights to build muscle. For instance, lunges are beneficial if you do them correctly and have hip strength so your knees don’t push out too far. Do a clamshell to help with that problem. Until you build more hip strength, do a modified lunge. Start with one foot forward and just lower and raise your body, without moving your feet.

Get relief from the heat while you build your muscles with aquatic exercises.

Exercising in a pool provides extra resistance while preventing stress on the joints. Even ordinary walking is more taxing on the body. There’s 12 times more strength-building resistance doing an exercise in water than doing the same exercises on dry land. Almost any high-impact exercise becomes a low-impact one when you do them in a pool. For instance, traditional jumping jacks switch from high-impact to low-impact when you do them with your body in water.

  • Do jumping jacks but omit the jump. Just step to the side as you raise your arms and clap your hands above your head and as you lower your hands, step back into starting position. Alternate the leg that steps outward.
  • Squats are another low-impact exercise you can modify to work different muscle groups. Widen your stance when you squat or narrow it to work muscles on several planes and other muscle groups.
  • Stretching is low-impact, plus a good way for everyone to warm up and loosen muscles. Some forms of exercise, like tai chi, are a low-impact way to build strength, cardio, and flexibility.
  • Always check with your health care professional before doing any type of exercise, especially if you’re pregnant or have a health condition. You may have to modify some exercises or avoid them entirely.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

How To Go From Unfit To Gym Lover

How To Go From Unfit To Gym Lover

Fitness requires more than one day’s attention or even working at it for a week or two. It requires a consistent effort. That’s one of the reasons people aren’t fit. They lose interest, hate working out, or don’t like to exert all that effort. It’s mostly about their mindset. You can go from unfit to gym lover but the first thing you have to do is identify why you don’t workout. If you have time for fun activities, it’s not because you lack time. Once you know, make that information work for you.

Do you think it’s just too boring to spend time working out?

If you’re bored when you go to the gym, you haven’t tried anything new in years, or need to make changes to make the effort less repetitive. Challenge yourself to try a new exercise every other week and add some fun your results by burning more calories. The body becomes efficient when you consistently do the same moves, so it burns fewer calories.

Get a new piece of equipment or try a new type of exercise.

Have you ever used kettlebells? They’re fun to include in your exercise program. You’ll get a full-body workout, and the provide exercise for all types of fitness. Kettlebell workouts improve endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Using kettlebells make it feel like your workout is quicker because it’s fun. In reality, it is quicker. Since it works all parts of the body, you get more accomplished in a shorter time. Do yoga or Thai chi once a week for variety.

A great workout doesn’t have to be in the gym.

If the gym atmosphere is the reason you hate to go, switch gyms, or workout at home. If you crave something different. Try bike riding a few days a week instead of spending all your time in the gym. Add a dance class or go out on the town and dance the night away. Just make sure your partner is ready to work out on the dance floor. You can make the gym more fun if you bring a friend and workout together.

  • Try HIIT—high intensity interval training. You alternate any exercise between high intensity and recovery to maximize the benefits.
  • Use your muscles for good. Appreciate what you’ve accomplished and show off your new muscular body. Buy clothing that accents the new you. Appreciating your efforts includes showing off a bit.
  • Don’t go it alone. Get into group classes or go to a boot camp. Boot camps often focus on getting fit faster over a short period. You’ll make many new friends with the same goal of getting fit.
  • Track your progress in the gym and make it a game. Constantly challenge yourself to do better. Decide on an ultimate goal for every exercise, whether it’s the number of reps or the amount of weight. Keep up the challenge and when you reach it, reward yourself.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Science now finds many folk remedies have real health benefits. Hawthorn berries are in that category. They are healthy options to add to any diet. These tiny fruits grow on trees and shrubs and come in several colors. They grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. The berries are mildly sweet, but mostly tart and tangy. Some have thick thorns and others don’t. Some berries are yellow and others are shades of red. Not all hawthorn berries offer the same benefit or nutrients. When people generalize and refer to hawthorn trees and berries, they usually mean Crataegus monogyna.

Hawthorn berries, leaves, and flowers for centuries as medicine.

The berries from hawthorns are called haws. The “haws” are used for medicine, jam and jelly, powders, and even hawthorn honey. As early as 659 A.D., the Chinese used hawthorns to treat digestive issues. Recent studies have found it beneficial for many health issues, including heart health. The high polyphenols content may help people with heart failure, angina, cardiac rhythm changes, heart disease, and atherosclerosis.

It’s not just the heart that benefits.

The studies on lowering blood pressure vary. Some research found that taking hawthorn extract lowered the diastolic blood pressure but not the systolic blood pressure. The diastolic pressure is the bottom number. Other research shows it may lower both the top—systolic—and bottom—diastolic blood pressure, with the most impact on the systolic blood pressure. This may occur because hawthorn berries contain a vasodilator that opens the arteries by relaxing them. A six-month study found that not only did hawthorn extract reduce harmful cholesterol, but it also reduced the thickness of plaque build-up in the arteries.

You could slow aging by drinking hawthorn tea.

All the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients can help ward off aging in several ways. It can help reduce inflammation and the vitamin C it contains can improve collagen production. Collagen helps keep the skin firm and youthful appearance. It contains antioxidants that fight free radicals that can damage the cells and cause aging. Some research has shown that hawthorn may help inhibit wrinkle formation and increase skin moisture.

  • Ancient Chinese medicine may be accurate. Recent studies show that hawthorn berries can aid digestion. It’s been used that way for centuries. It can increase digestive enzymes and relieve constipation.
  • The flavonoids in the leaves of the hawthorn plant make a tea that’s good for relaxing muscle spasms. It can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and help reduce spasms. Drinking the tea may also help prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
  • If anxiety, depression, or stress is a problem, a cup of hawthorn tea may help. It’s the flavonoids that help anxiety and also act as sleep aids. All the nutrients in hawthorn can help boost immunity and protect from infection.
  • If you have menopausal symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, or mood swings, drink a hawthorn tea to help. Always check with your healthcare professional first to ensure it’s safe for you and there’s no interaction with medications.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Why Do We Feel The Urge To Eat Badly Under Stress?

Why Do We Feel The Urge To Eat Badly Under Stress?

What causes the urge to eat unhealthy foods when you’re under stress? If you’re sad and worried about a situation, comfort foods that are soft, sweet, and connected to a fond memory where you felt safe are often the food of choice. Crunchy food can release frustration, while any sweet treat can help make up for the injustice you feel has occurred.

Stress triggers the fight-or-flight response.

The fight-or-flight response was invaluable for early man to survive. It caused changes in the body to either help fight an enemy or predator or run like the wind. It sent more blood to the limbs, made the heartbeat faster, and increased breathing rate. The face is often pale due to the change in blood flow, and pupils dilate to see better. Stress increases your appetite to build the extra calories for running or fighting.

Stress has different causes than caveman times.

Many things can cause stress today, but the response hasn’t changed. That includes increased eating. Your children are misbehaving, your boss is calling, or another driver just cuts you off in traffic all add stress, but running or fighting isn’t a logical response. You may not do that but you might eat a few snacks to help you make it through the stress. Whether you grab a candy bar or eat crunchy salty potato chips, you’ll only feel better for a few minutes.

You can avoid stress-eating with these strategies.

Before you smear that bagel with cream cheese, pause to assess why you’re eating it. Make mindfulness a habit. One technique is S.T.O.P. It stands for stop, take a breath, observe your feelings, and whether you’re really hungry, then pick an option that matches how you feel. Food might be the first option you consider, but calling friends to commiserate can be another. Relaxing, going to a calming place, finding a saying that will help, or doing a distracting activity can divert your attention from food.

  • Learn meditation or breathing techniques to help you relieve stress. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in through your nose, picture that breath absorbing all the stress and even changing a dark color as it absorbs the stress. breathe out the dark-colored air, then replace it with clean, stress-free air.
  • Have a warm cup of tea. Green tea, black tea, chamomile, and lemon balm tea are good for destressing. Green and black tea have both lower cortisol levels. Add cinnamon to the tea for even more relaxation.
  • Find a diversion that will keep your hands and mind occupied. Whether you choose needlework, macrame, woodworking, or other activity, make it something you enjoy.
  • Ask for help when overeating becomes compulsive or has qualities of an eating disorder, such as being followed by purging or self-loathing.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Diabetes is a problem in Louisiana. While government statistics lump both type 1 diabetes and type 2 together, many dietary restrictions and aids help both types. Is veganism one of those solutions? Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t make insulin or makes too little. Insulin opens the cells so the body can use the blood sugar for energy. It commonly starts in childhood. Type 2 diabetes can also come from low insulin levels, but it also occurs because the body doesn’t effectively use the insulin that it makes.

A healthy diet plays a key role in managing diabetes.

A vegan diet is just one option for type 1 diabetes. However, becoming a vegan when you have diabetes requires extra caution. A vegan diet eliminates all animal-based products from the diet. Even food with Jell-O, beer, marshmallows, vanilla-flavored food, potato chips, and many other products you might not suspect have some form of animal product. Diabetes makes using a vegan diet difficult and requires far more planning.

Do meal planning to ensure each meal contains the right portions of healthy fat, protein, and carbs.

Not only do people with diabetes need to balance meals, but they also need to balance snacks. Planning carefully can reduce the effect on blood sugar. When choosing carbs, opt for whole grains for pasta and bread, fruit, and vegetables. Proteins can include beans, peas, peanuts, nut butter, and other plant-based meat alternatives. Healthy fat comes from olive oil, avocados, nuts, and plant-based spreads. Fiber plays an important role, since it slows the absorption of glucose, reducing blood sugar spikes.

The potential benefits and drawbacks of a vegan diet for people with diabetes.

Studies show that a healthy vegan diet can help control blood sugar levels. It reduced A1C levels by being easier to follow. For type 2 diabetes, a vegan diet increases insulin sensitivity. It also helped with weight management for type 2 diabetics. There are three downsides for people with either type of diabetes. A vegan diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, such as B6, B12, iron, niacin, calcium, zinc, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. It can lead to an inadequate intake of complete proteins. Animal products provide complete proteins and offer all essential amino acids. Not all plant sources of protein do that. As mentioned earlier, a plant-based diet tends to be higher in carbs because plant-based products are higher in carbs than animal products.

  • Meal planning plays a vital role for those with diabetes. Make sure you include snacks in your meal planning. We can help you with meal planning and make the transition easier.
  • Just because a food is vegan, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Many plant-based foods have high amounts of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
  • Fill your plate with non-starchy vegetables. They are low in carbohydrates but high in fiber and nutrition. Make every snack a balance of protein, carbs, and fat. Use a variety of plant proteins.
  • Supplement if necessary. Always discuss going vegan with your healthcare professional first. If you choose a vegan diet, ask about supplementing with added nutrients, such as B12. Monitor blood sugar closely when changing your diet to something new.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Healthy Ways To De-Stress

Healthy Ways To De-Stress

Stress is a killer. It can cause many health issues. When people are under stress, they often do many things to deal with the problem, and not all of those things are healthy. Sometimes people consume alcohol or abuse drugs. Others may overeat or sit and worry. None of those are healthy ways to de-stress. One option to help reduce stress is controlled breathing. Breathing in slowly through the nose, holding the breath, and releasing the air by exhaling slowly through the mouth can help slow heart rate and relax a stressed individual.

Exercise is an adjunct therapy for anxiety and depression.

Exercise helps burn off the hormones of stress. Stress triggers the fight-or-flight response, which prepares the body to run or fight. Exercise produces similar movements and by doing that, burns off the stress hormones and replaces them with ones that make you feel good. It can help lower blood pressure and heart rate while burning calories. It’s not just good as a de-stressor, regardless of your mindset.

Visualization and meditation can help control stress and relax you.

Breathing techniques are part of meditation and visualization but they take it one step further. When you meditate, you are inward-focused and trained to clear your mind and calm your state of being. Visualization uses deep breathing but adds images. Taking a deep breath might be visualized as taking in a cleansing substance that absorbs all the stress and stress-related thoughts. As you breathe out, you might picture the air laden with darkness, representing the stress that leaves the body as you exhale.

Be kind to yourself and have a good laugh.

Do something special for yourself. You should be your own best caretaker. When you’re under stress, take time out to do activities you enjoy. It can be as simple as taking a long bath or walking in nature. The key is it should be something you enjoy. If you love comedy, watch your favorite show, or get together with friends who make you laugh. If none of those are possible, go it alone. Look at your present situation through humorous eyes or fake it until you can make it. Put a grin on your face and force a belly laugh. Pretend you’re acting if that makes it feel more natural. Before you know it, that smile will be real.

  • An unhealthy diet exacerbates stress, even though stress can make you want to eat more junk food. Resist the urge and focus on eating healthier to provide the nutrients for your body to weather the storm.
  • Unplug from the internet, television—unless it’s to watch a comedy—and your phone. Studies show that too much time on computers and phones can minimize well-being. If you’re spending time in front of a screen, it can negatively affect sleep.
  • Enjoy a change of pace with a good cup of herbal tea. While water is also a good substitute, nothing nurtures more than a warm liquid. Several herbal teas can offer relaxation, such as chamomile.
  • Spend time cuddling with your family, or even your pet. Holding another person can release oxytocin that reduces stress hormones. Pets provide that same reaction. One study found that the purring of a cat decreases stress, lowers blood pressure, and provides many other health benefits.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

Are Refined Grains Healthier Than Whole Grains?

Are Refined Grains Healthier Than Whole Grains?

Some people can’t eat grains. For those people, most grains aren’t healthy options. For the rest of us, whole grains are the best option. They’re different from refined grains because they contain all three parts of the seed. They have the germ, fiber, and endosperm. Refined grains might sound classier—since they contain the word refined in their name—but they’re definitely not healthier than whole grains. Refined grains only contain the starchy endosperm. It’s what’s left after the bran and germ were removed during milling.

All the nutrition is in the bran and germ.

Grains are seeds. The most nutritious part of the grain is the germ. It’s where the plant’s embryo is located. The germ feeds the embryo until it becomes a plant. It contains folate, vitamin E, thiamin, phosphorus, magnesium, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and zinc. It has both essential fatty acids and fatty alcohols. The high fat content of the germ shortens the shelf life of grain, so it’s removed. The bran is a source of fiber and other nutrients. Removing it gives a better texture and lightens the color of the flour.

What’s left behind is the endosperm.

The endosperm contains few nutrients and is mostly calories. It’s easy to digest and has a high glycemic level, so it can spike blood sugar levels. One of the reasons is the lack of fiber. It’s taken out when the bran is removed. Fiber slows the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream and helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Vitamins and minerals can be added to refined grains to boost nutritional value, but fiber can’t, or the final product loses the smooth consistency.

Whole grain bread has many nutritional benefits.

Besides slowing the absorption of glucose, the fiber in whole grains improves cholesterol levels, prevents certain types of cancer, especially colorectal cancer, improves the gut microbiome, aids in the absorption of minerals, helps prevent hemorrhoids, acid reflux, and diverticulitis, and lowers the risk of stroke and heart disease. The fiber in whole grain bread also helps you lose weight by making you feel fuller longer.

  • Grains can be hard to digest, but proper processing helps. Soak the grain, ferment it, or sprout it to make it and products made with it easier to digest.
  • There’s a link between obesity and the consumption of refined grains. While part of it occurs because of lack of fiber, many more calories are consumed in food with added sugar, which traditionally uses refined flour.
  • Certain health conditions can be exacerbated by eating whole grains. One of those is Crohn’s disease. When a flare-up occurs, eliminating whole grain bread for sourdough bread helps.
  • If you’re increasing fiber in your diet by switching to whole grain products, take it slowly. Like exercise, you don’t go from running a half block to running ten miles overnight. Your body has to adjust to the change.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching