No-Equipment Workouts

For centuries, people used no-equipment workouts. Sometimes, it was a function of their daily tasks. Carrying firewood, pushing a hand plow, and doing other chores was exercise enough. There were also local weightlifting contests, so farmers prepared for those. The exercises used were similar to the exercises used during military training. They were calisthenics and bodyweight exercises you could do anywhere. Here are a few of the exercises you can do at home. We have videos of many exercises you might want to try.

One well-known bodyweight exercise is the push-up.

Push-ups are well-known and have many variations, making them versatile. They build upper body strength. You can modify the push-ups to suit most fitness levels. A knee-bent push-up is perfect for people who aren’t fit. The traditional push-up is an intermediate option. More difficult options include a hand-clap push-up and a one-arm push-up. Traditional push-ups start in a plank position with your weight balancing on the balls of your feet and palms. Hold your body in a straight and line as you slowly lower it toward the floor, getting as close as possible then lifting the body back up.

Lunges build lower body strength.

Whether you choose walking or regular lunges or combine them with explosive jumps and push-ups to do burpees, lunges help build lower body strength. To do a lunge, stand straight with your feet together then step forward with one foot, bending at the knee. Your other leg remains straight as you lower your body toward the floor. Then step back to the starting point and step forward with the other leg. You can do walking lunges where your front foot remains in place but the foot in the back steps forward as you do the lunge.

You can do jumping jacks, walk, or run to get aerobic benefits.

Building muscles is just part of fitness. Flexibility, balance, and endurance training are also necessary. You can use a variety of endurance exercises like jumping jacks. They start with your arms to your sides and feet together. As you jump in the air, you raise your arms above your head and jump your feet outward. Then jump again while lowering your arms and putting your feet together. If you walk or run, pay attention to good posture. It’s vital for maximizing benefits.

  • Marching in place becomes more difficult when you lift your knees high and swing your arms. It’s also a great exercise.
  • Squats are another favorite. You lower your body as you raise your arms in front of you, pushing back your buttocks as though you’re going to sit down. Hold that position and then stand up.
  • Do mountain climbers that start on your hands and knees. You bring one foot forward, tucking your knee under your chest. The other foot remains extended. Jump, and as you do, switch legs, stretching out the bent-knee leg and tucking the other underneath you.
  • Do wall squats if you can’t do regular ones. Stand with your back against a wall and slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the position, then slowly slide back up to a standing position.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

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