Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Benefits Of Hawthorn Tea And Berries

Science now finds many folk remedies have real health benefits. Hawthorn berries are in that category. They are healthy options to add to any diet. These tiny fruits grow on trees and shrubs and come in several colors. They grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. The berries are mildly sweet, but mostly tart and […]

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Can Veganism Treat Type I Diabetes?

Diabetes is a problem in Louisiana. While government statistics lump both type 1 diabetes and type 2 together, many dietary restrictions and aids help both types. Is veganism one of those solutions? Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t make insulin or makes too little. Insulin opens the cells so the body can use […]

Healthy Ways To De-Stress

Healthy Ways To De-Stress

Stress is a killer. It can cause many health issues. When people are under stress, they often do many things to deal with the problem, and not all of those things are healthy. Sometimes people consume alcohol or abuse drugs. Others may overeat or sit and worry. None of those are healthy ways to de-stress. […]

Are Refined Grains Healthier Than Whole Grains?

Are Refined Grains Healthier Than Whole Grains?

Some people can’t eat grains. For those people, most grains aren’t healthy options. For the rest of us, whole grains are the best option. They’re different from refined grains because they contain all three parts of the seed. They have the germ, fiber, and endosperm. Refined grains might sound classier—since they contain the word refined […]

Fruits And Veggies That Increase Testosterone

Fruits And Veggies That Increase Testosterone

Low testosterone can affect both men and women. Even though it’s a male sex hormone, both genders have it. A low testosterone level affects the creation of red blood cells, bone density, and muscle development. It provides a sense of well-being and enhances the sex drive. The testicles and ovaries produce testosterone, with men having […]

Link Between Overhydration And Blood Pressure

Link Between Overhydration And Blood Pressure

You constantly hear about drinking enough water to avoid dehydration, but few people discuss the potential danger of overhydration and the effect it can have on blood pressure. What is overhydration? It can occur in two ways. You either drink too much water than your kidneys can excrete or retain water, so there’s too much […]

Ways To Reset Your Hormones

Ways To Reset Your Hormones

Have you struggled with weight loss or fat accumulating around your belly no matter how many leg lifts you do? You might have a hormone imbalance. Many people in Louisiana find that it’s a problem. Always check with your healthcare professional first to ensure you don’t have a serious condition. In most cases, the doctor […]

Superfoods You Should Eat More Often

Superfoods You Should Eat More Often

It’s not unusual for people to want a healthier life. I get messages from people all over Louisiana asking for help. Learning about the person’s dietary needs, personal preferences, goals, and lifestyle is important when identifying the healthiest diet. All healthy diets have one thing in common. They include several superfoods loaded with vitamins, minerals, […]

Best Spices For Weight Loss

Best Spices For Weight Loss

You’ll improve the flavor of your next meal and your potential to lose weight when you add the right spices to your next meal. Many spices can improve weight loss. They may work in different ways, but each has something to offer. When you use spices wisely, you’ll not only improve the flavor of your […]