Get Your Abs By Summer

Get Your Abs By Summer

Potbellies, muffin tops, and spare tires aren’t a good look and definitely not impressive in swimwear. There’s still time to get ready for summer. Creating the beach-ready version that both men and women want takes a double-edged attack. Whether it’s just a flat tummy or washboard abs, you need both diet and exercise. It all […]

The Benefits Of Yoga For Mind And Body

The Benefits Of Yoga For Mind And Body

If you’ve read other blogs, you already know one of the benefits of yoga is stress relief. That can help both your mental health and physical body. When you learn to calm your mind, you’ll be able to deal with stress immediately. The breathing techniques from yoga help calm the mind. At the same time, […]

Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Relaxation is difficult to achieve. The needs of your family, your boss’s orders, and even traffic jams can be stressful. Exercise helps burn off the hormones of stress. Yoga can help reduce anxiety, increase energy, and help you learn how to focus. You may not even need a pose for stress reduction if you learn […]

Why Women Should Strength Train

Why Women Should Strength Train

You don’t have to live in Louisiana to know that strength training is beneficial for both men and women. In the past, women often omitted it from their workout, fearing they’d end up looking like the Hulk. Hormones make that difficult to do. Unless you workout daily for hours with a specialized workout, take specific […]

What To Eat After A Workout

What To Eat After A Workout

What you eat after a workout does make a difference. You need the right type of fuel to build muscles and improve recovery. Your body needs to replenish glycogen stores that you depleted. It requires amino acids for muscle repair and building new tissue. If you had an intense workout you also need to replenish […]

Effective Ways To Build Endurance

Effective Ways To Build Endurance

Just as there are exercises for strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health. Some exercises build endurance. Endurance is normally thought of as a cardiovascular trait. It’s the ability to run up and down stairs without getting winded. It builds up the ability of the lungs and heart to provide oxygen for the body. Endurance is […]

Fun Fit Activities To Do With The Kids

Fun Fit Activities To Do With The Kids

If you struggle to make the time for your workout because of job and family responsibilities, it’s easy to make time for both. You can do fun fit activities with your kids that everyone will enjoy. Kids learn what they live. If you’re putting them on a path to fitness, you’re helping them to become […]