Health & Fitness

Be A Healthier Version Of You

Be A Healthier Version Of You

If you’re spending time sitting on the sidelines, wishing you had more energy or felt better to enjoy the fun, it’s time to get a healthier version of you. If you take better care of your vehicle than you do of yourself, it’s time to make changes. Start valuing yourself the same way you value your transportation. A health care regimen includes a number of things from getting regular physicals and plenty of sleep to eating healthier and exercising regularly.

Regular exercise can boost your energy and help you look better.

Exercise does more than burn calories and give you a fitter, healthier appearance. Even if it didn’t, that would still make it worthwhile. Exercise can help improve digestion. It can lengthen telomeres, which help prevent early cell death. It can burn off the hormones of stress. It can make you stronger, boost endurance and improve your range of motion to avoid injury. It can help prevent certain diseases and health conditions, plus make you sleep better, which is important for heart health and mental health.

Eating healthy provides all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best.

A lot of health issues can be avoided or diminished with a healthy diet. A healthy diet reduces the risk of heart disease. It can lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes and help prevent stroke. Your body’s microbiome, those microbes that live everywhere in your body, but mostly in your digestive tract, benefit from a healthy diet. The beneficial microbes are responsible for many of the functions of major systems, such as your immune system and even your mood. A healthy diet builds strong bones and teeth and even improves your memory.

You need a plan of action to maximize the benefits.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and search the internet to get the help you want. You can get it all at our site. Not everyone has a goal of weight loss or getting the look they want. Some people just want more energy. To be the best version of yourself, you must decide what that version is. Once you identify that, we’ll help you create a plan of action and work with you to achieve that goal. You don’t even have to leave home to get that help.

  • If you don’t use the right type of fuel for your vehicle, it won’t run correctly or maybe not at all. The same is true of your body. Unlike your vehicle, your body repairs itself when it has the right conditions and fuel. You can make that happen.
  • Your mood will improve, especially if you’re under a lot of stress. Exercise improves your mood by burning off the hormones of stress and replacing them with ones that make you feel better.
  • Don’t forget to hydrate more. Sometimes, something as simple as drinking more water is neglected. It sounds too easy to make a difference. Try to drink a half ounce to an ounce of water for every pound you weigh. Factors affecting that include how active you are, your overall health and the weather.
  • Getting adequate sleep can help you lose weight, boost heart health and be your best at work and play. The hunger/satiety hormones get out of balance when you lack sleep and you tend to overeat.

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How To Eat Well While Traveling

How To Eat Well While Traveling

You don’t have to take a long road trip or even travel far, traveling can set your weight loss and healthy eating plans back months. It doesn’t have to happen that way, you can eat well while traveling if you plan ahead, even if you normally use food processors or juicers to make your normal diet. Whether traveling by plane, train or automobile, there are ways to help you stay on course for a healthy eating plan. The first place to check are the “things to do” sites that offer information about the restaurants in the town or along the way.

Pack a meal or healthy snacks.

You might not be able to bring all your meals, especially if you’re flying, but you can bring snacks. Having healthy snacks available, can help you no matter how you travel. You don’t have to pay a fortune at airport restaurants or be ravenous at supper if you have snacks that can be a supplement. If you’re driving, have a cooler that’s filled with healthy food, including regular meals. You can stop along the ways and exercise your legs a bit and have a picnic lunch. Refill your cooler by stopping at a local grocery and restocking your snack and meal supplies.

Plan, plan, plan.

If you’re driving, you probably have used some type of app to map your journey, now take it a step further. Check out the restaurants along the way to find the ones that have an online menu and see if the food is healthy. Don’t leave your meal to chance. Don’t wait until everyone is ready to eat the first food they see, which can be anything from fried chicken to belly bombers. Even if you have to stop a little early, it’s okay. Flying into an area requires just as much planning. Check the restaurants close to your destination to find the ones that offer the healthiest menu.

When eating in a restaurant, choose off the menu carefully.

If the restaurant has an online menu, all the better. Check it out when you’re not hungry to make the best choice. If you’re staying at a hotel or motel and have a vehicle, you can actually stop and check out the menu. Avoid fried foods and desserts. Stick with grilled food and lean meats. If you’re opting for a sandwich, choose real meat, not processed cured meat. Go with extra veggies and avoid fried if you have the option. Stick with water, unsweetened tea or coffee for drinks.

  • Some healthy foods that travel well in a cooler include raw veggies and hummus dip, hard-boiled eggs, almonds and other nuts and fruit. Eat snacks more frequently when traveling and avoid skipping meals.
  • You can’t get bottled water through airport security, but you can get an empty bottle through. Bring an empty bottle and fill it after security checks at a fountain so you can hydrate on the plane. No matter how you travel, staying hydrated is important.
  • If you’re flying, carry a large purse as your personal item and put your regular purse inside it. That leaves room for snacks like cashews, pistachios and fresh fruit, like bananas. Nuts are a good source of protein and compact enough to carry.
  • If you’re traveling by car, check for local farmer’s markets or be on the watch for roadside stands. It can be fun to seek out healthy food that’s straight from the farm.

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Should I Workout If I'm Pregnant?

Should I Workout If I’m Pregnant?

I’ve had lots of questions regarding the safety of working out when you’re pregnant and my first answer is always to check with your health care professional before you start any exercise program or special diet. Every person is different and every pregnancy is different. While it might be perfectly safe for one woman to workout, it doesn’t mean it’s safe for everyone who is pregnant. Here is a generalized guide regarding exercise and pregnancy.

When should you avoid exercising?

First, your doctor will inform you of specific reasons you shouldn’t exercise. It’s especially important to check with your health care professional if you have preexisting conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes or asthma. If you’ve had a history of miscarriages, have a weak cervix or have had spotting, listen closely to the recommendations of your medical expert, even if you just planned light exercise. No matter what your health, avoid working out in excessive heat. Remember, it’s far better to error on the side of caution, since the health of both you and your baby are at risk.

If you’ve been active right up until you found you were pregnant, staying active can be good.

Your health care professional will probably ask they type of activities you do to determine whether it’s safe for you to exercise. Your health care specialist will probably note that some sports, such as high contact ones or sports that can cause you to fall should be avoided. These might include skiing, basketball or other high contact sports. Sports or exercise that jar your body should also be evaluated carefully. If you workout in a gym or do calisthenics at home, avoid exercises that increase stress on the abdomen, like full sit-ups, deep knee bends and leg lifts.

If you’ve never exercised previously, you still can start, but with rules.

Starting training to run a marathon or getting into weightlifting after you find you’re pregnant shouldn’t be considered, but a moderate program of exercise may help you stay healthier, deliver easier and recover after delivery quicker. There are far less intense, low impact types of programs to help you keep up your strength and stay fit while pregnant. Using a step machine or swimming are two. Walking is another simple exercise that can reduce the potential of complications significantly.

  • Bicycling or trail biking in later months should be avoided since your center of gravity changes, making it a higher potential you’ll fall. The more advanced the pregnancy and bigger your abdomen, the more you need to switch to a stationary bike.
  • Even if you’re a professional athlete, you should avoid exercise that involves twisting at the waist, those that involve high impact and high intensity workouts. If you’re stretching, avoid bouncing or holding your breath.
  • You can lift weights while pregnant, but make them lightweight, such as wrist and ankle weights when you walk. They can help you prepare arm muscles for carrying the baby for long periods. Never lay on your back when lifting weights.
  • Certain exercises, such as the standing or kneeling pelvic tilt, can help prevent or relieve back pain while you’re pregnant. Other exercises, like Kegels, cardio and squats can make delivery easier.

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How To Fit In Exercise During The Workday

How To Fit In Exercise During The Workday

While going to the gym or doing a workout at home is ideal, you can also exercise during the workday. That can be especially important when you have to work late or attend a function at your child’s school right after work. One way to avoid the problem is to exercise the first thing in the morning, but in a busy household, that’s not always an option. Even when you do work hard to keep a workout schedule, sometimes things go awry. You can have a handy list of ways to exercise during the work day when that happens.

Create the emergency option for those tough days.

We offer hundreds of exercise videos, which also include routines you can do. Look for ones you can do in the office. They might be exercises that are familiar, like squats and lunges or stretches that aren’t as familiar to you, so learn to do the routine at home so you’re prepared and can breeze through it easily with the right form.

You don’t have to do a full half hour workout at a time.

You can break it up in session, as long as you get your body moving. One study showed that people who did twelve five minute workouts throughout the day actually got better results than those who worked out a straight hour a day. In another study, high intensity exercise in short bursts helped people lose body weight compared to those who did nothing. That’s the key. You have to keep moving and moving fast with more intensity is even better.

Do some exercises at your desk.

Chair dips are excellent for the upper body. Working out the kinks in your shoulders and triceps with head rolls immediately afterward gets you ready to go back to work. How do you do a chair dip? Slide your bottom toward the edge of the chair, make sure it’s one that’s stable and not on rollers. Your palms should be on the edge of the chair or holding the sides. Lift forward and slowly lower your body off the chair. Holding it suspended for a count of five and then return to the chair and repeat.

Never underestimate the power of walking. Just getting your body moving is important. You can walk during lunch hour to get in exercise. Vary the speed of your walk, pushing it hard for a minute and then going at a recovery pace for four and back to high intensity walking.

  • Whether you’re sitting at a desk or standing, making arm circles boosts your circulation and can relieve muscle tension to make the day better.
  • Two exercises you can do at your desk that are subtle are sitting bicycle and seated leg lifts. Just lift your legs and hold them straight out for as long as you can, then slowly lower for leg lifts.
  • Practice posture and do isometric exercises for a flat stomach. Sit up straight with shoulders back, then pull in your stomach as far as you can and hold. Doing it throughout the day improves your posture and builds core muscles.
  • If you have a private place at the office, do some jumping jacks, wall sits, squats or lunges, five repetitions each, one right after another. Aim for several sets at a time. Take time to make time to move whenever you have a chance. It’s all good.

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Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

If you’re completely out of shape, have a physical problem or barely able to make it down the aisle of the grocery without stopping to rest, then walking is one of the best options for physical activity. It’s also a good exercise for those days you can’t do a regular workout. You can do it anywhere; it costs nothing and can even save money if you opt to do it instead of driving. Is it enough exercise to help you look your best? No. You have four types of fitness, endurance, strength, flexibility and balance. You need all four types of exercise. Walking is a cardio and weight bearing exercise.

Walking can be a good supplement to your workout while you’re working on each area of fitness.

In order to make your workout safe, you have to go easy at first, especially if you’re older or have a previous injury or health issue. If you’re focusing on getting a half hour a day to 45 minutes in exercise, alternate your days between walking and one of the exercise routines in our video sessions. The videos focus on all types of fitness, so you’ll get the full body workout you need. Take it easy at first, especially the first two weeks. Don’t try to overdo it, but focus on form and learning the routine.

Modify walking and make it a strength training workout, too.

Walking is important to help avoid osteoporosis, especially for older individuals. It’s a weight bearing exercise, so like lifting weights builds the arms, walking builds the legs. The muscles tug on the bones and that causes the body to send more bone building material to make them stronger. Adding arm weights and swinging your arms vigorously as you walk can boost upper body strength. Make sure you warm up and cool down before walking.

To be your best and avoid injury, you need strength training and flexibility training.

You’ll find exercises specifically for strength training and flexibility training in our collection. It’s important to have both. Strength and flexibility training both help prevent injury, but in different ways. Flexibility training improves the range of motion so you don’t pull a muscle by reaching too far or moving in an odd manner. Strength training boosts your muscle power, preventing injury when lifting or moving heavier loads. Standing quad stretch, standing side stretch and standing calf stretch are three examples of flexibility training. Planks, squats and push-ups are strength building exercises.

  • If you want to get maximum benefit from walking, make it a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout. Vary your walk from a high speed one for a minute or two to a moderate recovery pace and back again. It will build your endurance faster.
  • To increase the benefits of walking, make sure your posture is good. Stand up straight with your chin level to the ground, shoulders straight, eyes looking straight ahead and back straight, neither arched forward nor backward. Try to push the top of your head toward the clouds.
  • If you make walking part of your permanent exercise program, modify it by going faster. Create a path, if you’re walking a half hour, turn around and walk toward home after 15 minutes. Try to get further every time you walk.
  • One mega study on aging found that people who walked faster lived longer. After analyzing the data of from 34,485 aged 65 and older for 6 to 21 years, they found there was a relationship between how fast your walked and how long you lived. The faster, the longer the life expectancy.

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Artificial Sweeteners Good Or Bad?

Artificial Sweeteners Good Or Bad?

Whether you live in Louisiana, Texas, or any other part of the country, eating healthier does mean giving up foods with added sugar, but that doesn’t mean you should put in artificial sweeteners instead. While there are a lot of health issues from eating too much sugar, there are different ones that occur when you substitute the chemical artificial sweetener. Some of these may actually be worse! In fact, a recent study showed that drinking diet drinks with artificial sweeteners may actually be worse for you than drinking ones with regular sugar.

Each type of sweetener has different side effects.

There’s no one answer to the side effects of artificial sweeteners because each sweetener has different side effects. The amount you ingest also makes a difference. Side effects also depend on the person’s sensitivity. Some sweeteners tend to give people rashes, while others may give digestive symptoms. In fact, one sugarless gummy bear sold on the internet had the side effect of explosive diarrhea as noted in the product reviews. While it was advertised as sugar free, it had sugar alcohol, which also spikes blood sugar levels, besides causing digestive upsets.

Recent studies show that drinking diet drinks may be dangerous to your health.

Visceral fat is fat around your middle that’s the most dangerous type of fat. New studies show that people drinking the most diet drinks using artificial sweeteners had the most visceral fat, compared to those who never drank diet drinks or seldom drank them. The measure was of the waist circumference, a good indicator. Scientists believe it may be because artificial sweeteners interfered with metabolic functioning. In fact, tricking the body into reacting the same way it does with sugar might also be the issue.

While Xylitol and erythritol are alcohol sugars that are made from fruit, they’re not considered natural sugar.

There are natural sugars that aren’t as harmful as sugar substitutes and aren’t artificial. The juice from the Stevia rebaudiana plant is one of those. It’s called Stevia and is used as a medicine by some. It’s 100 times sweeter than sugar but has been used to help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, plus known to lower blood pressure by as much as 14%. If you have artificial sweetened food that contains xylitol and a family dog, beware. It’s extremely dangerous for dogs to consume it.

  • There are some scientific links that indicate some artificial sweeteners may contribute to diseases like cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s, autism, MS, systemic lupus and Parkinson’s.
  • Simply giving up sugar is difficult, but very worth it. It takes a while, but eventually your taste buds will go back to normal and you can taste the natural sweetness of fruit or a delicious dessert.
  • As each artificial sweetener is found dangerous, companies replace them with new ones. When aspartame’s safety came into question, companies replaced it with sucralose and Ace-K, which now are under scrutiny for serious health concerns.
  • Check labels thoroughly to avoid ingesting artificial sweeteners. They’re in everything from children’s vitamins and cough syrup to toothpaste.

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Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

We love to eat good food in Louisiana, and the cuisine is known worldwide as one of the best. However, not all the food is healthy. Sometimes, turning to something simple, like oatmeal is one way to boost your health benefits. That doesn’t mean you should add sugar to it or use it for topping on blueberry crisp or in cookies. To maximize the health benefits of oatmeal, just cook and serve for breakfast without lots of oils, sugars and flour. You can add nuts, fruit and seeds like chia seeds or make overnight oats or baked oatmeal.

It’s all about how the oat is processed.

That instant oatmeal you see in colorful boxes on the store shelves isn’t the best type of oatmeal to choose. The less processed the oatmeal, and the fewer additives when you buy it, the healthier it is. The instant oats with the added sugar may actually wipe out all the benefits by adding ingredients that aren’t healthy. Choose oat groats, the whole oat before any processing. Opt for Irish oats, which are the next in line of the least processed. It’s just the oat groats cut in small pieces. Those two have the most soluble fiber that feeds the healthy microbes in your digestive system and also keep you feeling fuller.

Oatmeal contains a lot of nutrients.

Oatmeal is higher in protein and fat than most grains, which is one reason you feel fuller longer. The other reason is the healthy fiber called beta-glucan that can lower you bad cholesterol level It also reduces your blood sugar level, improves insulin sensitivity and increases the beneficial microbes in your digestive tract. You’ll feel fuller longer and it can aid in weight loss. It contains substantial amounts of manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, folate, vitamin B1 and vitamin B5. It also has a smaller amount of calcium, potassium, vitamins B6 and B3.

Can oats help childhood asthma?

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder that occurs in the airways. Most children with asthma may have recurrent coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Some scientists think asthma occurs when solid food is introduced too early and that it’s an allergic style reaction. However, one thing is certain, the introduction of oats early isn’t part of the problem. In fact, it may actually protect children from asthma. While the research isn’t conclusive, it does indicate that children fed oats before the age of six months had a decreased risk of asthma.

  • If you have a problem going, oatmeal may be the cure. While drinking plenty of water is important, if it’s not working, try eating more oatmeal. It’s healthier than chronic laxative use and may be quite beneficial for the elderly or those with reoccurring constipation.
  • Healthy oats include Scottish oats, which are ground instead of cut, and rolled oats, which are steamed and then flattened. These are higher on the glycemic index than Irish oats or oat groats, but lower than quick oats or instant oats, which pack on pounds.
  • You can increase oatmeal in your diet by simply making a bowl in the morning or opting for overnight oats or baked oatmeal. While all three are delicious, they’re made even better by adding nuts, coconut, berries, bananas or other fruit.
  • Baked oats are simply rolled oats with egg, bananas and other additives. You can put the mixture in a blender to create a cake like finished product that tastes almost too delicious to be healthy, but it is.

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Ways To Mix Up Your Workout

Ways To Mix Up Your Workout

I have clients in Louisiana, that love the variety offered in our workout videos. It helps them prevent boredom. There’s another reason to mix up your workout and that’s to avoid plateauing. At one time or another, everyone has faced plateauing. It can occur for a number of reasons, including lack of variety in your workout. It also can occur when you lose weight, which causes you to burn fewer calories, since you’re not carrying around all those extra pounds like weights on your body.

What causes plateauing?

Plateauing occurs when your body becomes efficient at doing any exercise. Even though efficiency is normally good, when you’re talking about burning calories, it’s not. It requires fewer calories to perform the same action, so you won’t create the calorie deficit you had previously from the same workout. By switching your workout every month or so, you can avoid that and keep those calorie burning fires burning at their peak.

You’ll avoid overworking certain areas of your body.

When you mix up your workout, you’ll also ensure all muscles are worked on all planes. It can help you build symmetry and ensure that each muscle group is strong, which can help avoid injury, especially if a smaller muscle has to do the work of a larger one. It’s important not to work one muscle group too often or too hard, it can cause stress that leads to injury. There are over 600 muscles in the body and it should be your goal to work them all.

Learn a new physical activity and boost your brain as you improve your body.

While doing traditional exercise regularly is important to ensure you get adequate exercise for all muscles, you can benefit from other types of exercise, too. For instance, learning a new physical activity, like a new dance style, can help boost your brain power. It increases neural pathways and boosts the growth of brain cells by increasing BDNF—brain-derived neurotropic factor—in the brain and causes an increase in executive functioning. The more you vary your activities, the more you lower your chances for dementia and Alzheimer’s according to a study by The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Pittsburgh.

  • If you’re doing strength training, it’s important to give the muscles you worked a rest for at least 48 hours if you’re working at high intensity. The way to avoid a problem is by alternating muscle groups you’re working.
  • Have fun with the kids, family and friends. Getting fit is all about getting more out of life. Take a day away from working out to do something active like biking, running, dancing or swimming.
  • If you’ve done a routine for a long time and are switching to a new one, take it slower at first. Make sure your form is perfect, since doing an exercise wrong can diminish the benefits or even cause injury.
  • When judging a workout, use the acronym FITT. It stands for frequency, intensity, type and time. If you change at least two of those factors in your present workout every six weeks, it can help keep it fresher and aid in weight loss.

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Get The Body You Want

Get The Body You Want

I have clients from all over the world, including the great state of Texas, they all seem to want several things. They want to feel better, have more energy and look better. While exercise won’t make you taller or change body type, you can trim your body and make it svelte and muscular. You can get the body you want, but it takes some effort on your part. It doesn’t come from hoping and wishing. Following a healthy diet and a program of exercise can make the difference in whether you’re successful or not.

Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight.

To get the change you want, you have to make many small changes and some big ones, plus stick with those changes consistently. It may mean giving up food that has added sugar or following a meal plan regularly. Increasing your activity level increases the amount of calories you burn and when done consistently, builds muscles. Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does, so you’ll be burning more calories 24/7. Effectively, you’ll be boosting your metabolism.

You just have to take charge and start.

Starting is one of the hardest things to do. Newton’s Law of Motion, an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion, says it all when it comes to making changes in your life. The first step, the step that changes your life from inactive to active or from eating unhealthy to eating healthy, is hard, but there’s no better time to do it than now.

Focus on one day at a time.

Don’t think about how long it will take, just pledge to do what is necessary to be successful for that day. It will help if you schedule your workout at the same time every day. Put it on your schedule, so it becomes an appointment for your health. You’re more likely to keep an appointment. Use the meal plans to make meals ahead on the weekend, so all you have to do is heat and eat during the week.

  • Having the body you want is all about focusing on creating healthier habits, whether it’s exercise or dietary. After a while, your taste in food changes the longer you eat healthy and you’ll even crave exercise when you don’t do it.
  • Meal plans offer exchange foods, so you won’t have to eat food you hate. They’re based on your nutritional needs. They even include a shopping list so you’ll always have everything you need on hand.
  • When you eat food with added sugar, it tends to dull the taste buds. You have to eat more and more to get the sweet flavor. The longer you go without added sugar, the more you’ll be able to taste the natural sweetness of fruit.
  • Be kind to yourself. Praise yourself when you accomplished the day’s mission for a healthy lifestyle. Be your own best friend and cheerleader. If you have a slip up, don’t give up. Just immediately restart your program.

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