Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Promote Better Cholesterol?

No matter where you live in the US, whether it’s Baton Rouge, LA, Dallas TX, or in the Northwest territory, staying healthy has become more of a focus. Most people realize that diet and exercise play an important role in preventing many conditions. Some foods seem to be miracle foods, since they provide the body with the nutrients and phytonutrients it needs. Apple cider vinegar—ACV, which has been used for centuries for many conditions. Today, science has proven it beneficial, for a number of conditions, but is improving cholesterol one of those?

The acetic acid in ACV provides some benefits, but so does the antioxidants.

When you ferment crushed apples, it creates vinegar that contains acetic acid. That acetic acid balances the pH, helps relieve acid reflux and heartburn, but can also damage tooth enamel. However, ACV also has many other nutrients, including probiotics and antioxidants. One 12-week study put two groups of people on a low calorie diet. One took a placebo with the diet and the other took ACV. Not only did the group taking ACV have more weight loss, they lowered total cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing good cholesterol levels.

ACV can improve weight loss.

An animal study showed that a group given the acetic acid had less fat deposits and a higher metabolism than the animals that weren’t given it. In fact, a side effect that wasn’t expected was increased activity, which not only burns calories, but also helps regulate cholesterol levels. It was the acetic acid in the ACV thought to be responsible for this occurrence.

Insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels are helped with ACV.

Studies show that the acetic acid in ACV can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. Several studies show a link between insulin resistance is linked to a poor cholesterol profile. Including ACV, particularly raw ACV that contains the mother of Vinegar, in your diet, can lower the bad cholesterol—LDL— and raise good cholesterol—HDL—levels.

  • While ACV is good for many things, there can be side effects if you’re not careful. Besides eroding tooth enamel, it can cause bone loss. Even though a little increases potassium, which is important for bone health, consuming too much can actually cause bone loss.
  • More than 1-2 tablespoons of ACV a day in water won’t hurt you, but you can overdo it. Stick with 2 tablespoons or less in salad dressing or in a glass of water. Always check with your health care professional before starting on an ACV regimen.
  • ACV can be used for minor irritations like a stuffy nose, dandruff, a sore throat or natural deodorant. It can be used as a beauty aid to rinse build up product out of hair and help heal blemishes.
  • Never use ACV straight, particularly if using unprocessed ACV that has a higher acidic content. It can burn skin and soft tissue if applied to the skin or swallowed straight. Always mix it with water or use it in a recipe with other ingredients to cut the acid.

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