Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

Is Walking Enough Physical Activity?

If you’re completely out of shape, have a physical problem or barely able to make it down the aisle of the grocery without stopping to rest, then walking is one of the best options for physical activity. It’s also a good exercise for those days you can’t do a regular workout. You can do it […]

Artificial Sweeteners Good Or Bad?

Artificial Sweeteners Good Or Bad?

Whether you live in Louisiana, Texas, or any other part of the country, eating healthier does mean giving up foods with added sugar, but that doesn’t mean you should put in artificial sweeteners instead. While there are a lot of health issues from eating too much sugar, there are different ones that occur when you […]

Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

We love to eat good food in Louisiana, and the cuisine is known worldwide as one of the best. However, not all the food is healthy. Sometimes, turning to something simple, like oatmeal is one way to boost your health benefits. That doesn’t mean you should add sugar to it or use it for topping […]

Ways To Mix Up Your Workout

Ways To Mix Up Your Workout

I have clients in Louisiana, that love the variety offered in our workout videos. It helps them prevent boredom. There’s another reason to mix up your workout and that’s to avoid plateauing. At one time or another, everyone has faced plateauing. It can occur for a number of reasons, including lack of variety in your […]

Get The Body You Want

Get The Body You Want

I have clients from all over the world, including the great state of Texas, they all seem to want several things. They want to feel better, have more energy and look better. While exercise won’t make you taller or change body type, you can trim your body and make it svelte and muscular. You can […]

#PAGE Title The Millennials Workout

One of the biggest groups in the workforce today is millennials. They’re the group of people born between 1981 and 1996. They’ve witnessed many changes in the workplace and how they workout. Exercising and fitness is a top priority. A recent study showed it was almost as important as family is for millennials. Since many […]