Ways To Eliminate Fatigue And Bloating

You might not connect the two but bloating and fatigue are often symptoms of the same problem. Most people have experienced one or both at some time in their life, and in some cases, the reason is simple. Fatigue can come from working too hard or not getting enough sleep. Excess gas and bloating can occur if you ate too much, ate foods that tend to be gassy, like beans, or ate too many fatty foods. Identifying the problems can help you eliminate fatigue and bloating.

Monitor how you eat and the quality of your sleep.

If you’ve swallowed air by eating too fast, drinking through a straw, smoking or chewing gum. It can cause you to get gassy. Wolfing down your food without thoroughly chewing also causes other problems, besides swallowing air, that can cause digestive upsets. Part of the digestive process takes place in your mouth. Avoid smoking. If those things don’t help, it’s time to look at food sensitivities.

Other things can cause you to bloat and feel tired?

Fatigue can be tied to bloating and digestive issues. Food intolerance, food allergies and digestive issues can cause both problems. Sometimes, too little or too much sleep can cause constipation, which in turn leaves you feeling tired and bloated. You can solve that problem by adjusting your sleep pattern and drinking more water. Food allergies or intolerances, such as gluten or lactose intolerance or mild reactions to sugar, peanuts, alcohol, eggs, carbonated drinks or red meat, you can also feel exhausted and bloated. Track the food or try an elimination diet and see if that helps.

One big offender that can cause both bloating and exhaustion is sugar.

What you eat makes a difference in your microbiome. Your microbiome is the collection of microbes, which include, among other tiny creatures, both bacteria and yeast. If you have an overgrowth of yeast, it can cause sugar cravings, gas and exhaustion. Sugar feeds yeast. Think about how a yeast bread is made. There’s sugar in the dough that feeds the yeast, causing the yeast to release gas and make the bread rise. That rising action also can take place in your digestive tract, causing exhaustion, bloating and other problems. Cut out sugar.

  • If you want to improve your digestion, increase spinach. It contains magnesium that helps digestion. Eat more celery and cucumbers. Both have fiber, add additional fluid and aid in digestion.
  • If you increase the fiber in your diet, do it slowly. While more fiber will help reduce bloating, increasing it too fast will actually cause it. Don’t forget to increase your water intake, too.
  • Antibiotics can disrupt your digestive tract microbiome, causing bloating, exhaustion and indigestion. Supplement your diet with probiotics or probiotic foods like sauerkraut or yogurt.
  • Eat mindfully. Relax before you eat your first bite. Savor the flavor and chew it well, enjoying every minute. It can help relieve stress, which causes fatigue, and help prevent bloating.

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