How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Eat A Day?

If you’re considering a low-carbohydrate diet, you need to know the number of grams of carbs you should normally eat and reduce that amount. Low-carbohydrate diets can be successful for several reasons. One of those is that many foods high in calories are also high in carbohydrates. Simple sugars and food with added sugar are high in carbs. Highly processed foods often are too. Both groups of foods are also high in calories, which can pack on the pounds.

What is a carb?

A carb is a quick way to say carbohydrate. It’s one of the macronutrients, along with protein and fat. Carbohydrates are divided further into two groups. Simple carbs and complex ones. Simple carbs digest quickly and raise blood glucose levels. Complex carbs take longer and often contain substantial fiber. While most carbohydrates are from plant sources, dairy contains lactose, the sugar in milk.

The amount of carbs varies by age, weight, medical history, and activity level.

Carbs are used for energy. Energy for the body is measured in calories. A five foot three inch, 130-pound sedentary woman who is 72 requires fewer calories than a six foot one inch 180-pound active and muscular male that’s 22. Therefore, they need fewer grams of carbs. It’s easier to estimate how many calories are necessary and then reduce the percentage that comes from carbohydrates.

What percentage of carbohydrates in your diet is necessary for weight loss?

Most diets for weight loss first calculate the calories necessary to produce that result. If someone maintains their weight at 2500 calories, reducing that amount to 2,000 calories produces a deficit of 500 calories a day. It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound, so after 7 days on the diet, the person would lose a pound. A keto or low-carb diet takes it a step further. The diet dictates the percentage of calories from each macronutrient. The average diet allows 50% from carbs, while a low-carb diet may allow 5 to 15% of calories from carbohydrates with 25 to 45% from protein and the rest from fat.

  • The average low-carb diet contains between 20 and 120 grams daily. Avoiding carbs means avoiding sugary products and food with bleached flour like white bread. Your diet should include whole grains for both the nutrients and the fiber.
  • It’s all about eating healthier. You can eat the same number of calories in broccoli or donuts, but the broccoli will be a healthier choice and lower in carbohydrates. Even if you’re on a low-carb diet, make healthy choices.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting any dietary change. A low-carb diet isn’t beneficial for everyone. When consuming lower carbohydrates, make sure your protein and fat selections are healthy.
  • If it all sounds confusing, don’t worry. We can take the guesswork out of a low-carb diet. We’ll provide a healthy menu specifically designed for your needs and include shopping lists and recipes to make it easier.

For more information, contact us today at Wellness On A Dime Coaching

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